@weapon_x57 Your comment proves you are either trolling or have no grasp of the situation. While some people (fanboys) may be trying to use this as an argument towards which is "best", the fact is a lot of us CAN buy both consoles but WON'T because of the message that would send.
The consumers are the one's who, consciously or unconsciously, control the industry - any industry. If the consumer is stupid and says things like "what do I care", then you're basically giving the power away to the companies and tell them it's ok to rape the consumers.
You may lack the ability to recognize you're part of the problem, but most people here aren't that dumb.
Microsoft won't lose as much money as people think, I'm afraid. They proved, with their concern with non-gaming stuff, that they're shifting their focus to the casual gamer crowd. Why? Because the Wii did that in the last gen and sold like hot cakes.
Microsoft knows that the casual gamer will look at the pretty graphics and buy it anyway. And believe it or not, casual gamers outnumber everything else so, from a commercial perspective, Microsoft didn't lose... sadly.
A lot could be said about this subject and, as time goes by, little details start to surface.
This is not really an addenda since I'm not adding anything new, but more of a clarification of the point.
I don't expect everyone to have studied social sciences in college (a large portion of the gaming public isn't even old enough to BE in college), so I can't expect everyone to know some of the basic rules of science, like, not relying on common sense and evaluate something without the influence of feelings or personal opinion. However, my reference to reviewing as a science was based on my background in that area.
That said, from a psychological point of view, it is well-known that some people are just incapable of doing anything in their lives without having their emotions involved. This is not a flaw, just a characteristic of some human beings, which you'll have to cope throughout your life. The opposite is also true, meaning, some people are very dispassionate about everything, but that's not a flaw either, just the way some humans are. The point is, some people will never be quality reviewers because they honestly can't be anything other than subjective, while others are naturally born with the skills for that kind of job or function.
Expecting everyone to have that mind frame is like expecting a shy person to become the life of a party... it's not impossible, but it will be much harder for him than it would be for a natural extrovert.
This is why I finished by asking what style do you prefer. There's no "one" answer, just choices.
EvanescentCrow's comments