Well of course its larger. The console is newer and will have games refined for it as will the PS4. Despite the fact the PC could have done this quite a few years ago. But no developer really uses the hardware we spend good money on year after year in a meaningful way, I don't mean tacked on DX11 or anything of that nature. Why do I need 32x Antialiasing? To sharpen up the ugly textures we get ported over mostly. Makes our investment and effort building our PCs a bloody waste. That's why I will probably use my really powerful PC capable of so much, to do rendering and other intensive such projects, and games still can't use all 32GB of ram I have or even make use of all the CPU cores/threads I have available. What a waste.
Wasted potential, wasted money on powerful hardware that so few developers make their games even scalable to utilize said powerful hardware. Why therefore, should I support a developer that releases ports to PCs (who are still far ahead in hardware), and the game requires very old hardware you usually can't even buy retail anymore?
These developers might do the same thing and just port over the Xbox One version if or when it comes to PC, because that's the cheap and easy way out. Just watch how many illegal downloads there will be of it come PC release, and I WILL say I told you so.
What did they expect? If you don't innovate, and instead continue incremental updates to the same iPhone and offer literally nothing new, even people loyal to the Apple brand will not be happy with such an insignificant update.
Seriously, I don't even know what phone to get at this point. I've had a GSM Galaxy Nexus for a while now and its okay. The next phone I'm getting is definitely going to have a MicroSD slot so I can use the 64gb micro sd card I just bought.
This kind of crap is why I prefer being a casual modder, like with the GECK for Fallout3/New Vegas or the upcoming Redkit for Witcher 2 which is gonna be awesome.
I once wanted to become a game programmer/designer but this isn't worth it. You make a successful series, suits want to run the series into the ground and demand yearly releases, you want to work on a new series or take the current one in a new direction, the suits won't have it and you end up terminated. Everything you worked on, all your game assets, code, all your ideas, everything that you spent years making, are all taken from you in an instant, and its entirely their property now, and they will continue running the game you came up with entire idea for, into the ground until they are forced to come up with a new IP because Assassin Creed 10 isn't going to make any money.
@Mantan911 Yeah I would figure as much from Ubisoft. I just like to think of ways to not run it into the ground any further. Its like these publishers are content with running any series they own into the ground until it doesn't make enough money and then they will force the devs to make a new IP only out of necessity, instead of creativity.
Assassin's Creed needs a drastic change in genre. I would like a Mass Effect or Fallout action rpg kind of feel. A third person action rpg Assassin's Creed game full of dialogue choices, a few different endings or multi layered ending like New Vegas would be a great direction to take the series in. These rehashes, reboots and never ending sequels (I don't mind side stories like New Vegas) are really getting out of hand, I hope it doesn't get worse, but with Call of Duty: Ghosts, the outlook doesn't look too great for next-gen.
As a PC gamer I wholly appreciate attention to visuals especially since I play all my games using Nvidia 3D Vision and think its truly amazing, but wish Nvidia would support their 3D solution more. Visuals are not everything and throwing millions and millions into graphical development for stale franchises, like Call of Duty, doesn't make it a better game just because my graphic card can't "max" the settings out, which I don't care for, I don't enable high amounts of anti-aliasing because I can, I rather play at a high resolution and get free anti-aliasing.
Too many studios/publishers/developers are spending way too much money marketing the game, I see nothing bad about them wanting exposure, but when you spend massive amounts of your budget that could have gone into the game development I disagree.
Hmm, All I have to say about frostbite powered Mass Effect, is I really hope we at least get a darn trailer and a real working title, so we can stop calling it Mass Effect 4, what do they expect us to call it if they can't even give us a working title? Dragon Age 3 seems promising as it too is utilizing the frostbite engine, I'm willing to play the games first, but likely won't because I don't play online drm laden games and probably will not be buying the next gen consoles either. I'll wait and see how things turn out.
I might end up playing it at some point on a friend's next gen console. I don't care what people think of Origin, Steam or UPlay, if we'd stop supporting it and take control back of our game copies we wouldn't have this online drm bullshit, we'd have offline install code "drm" PC blu-ray copies in hand, and yes I know piracy has played a small role in this online drm bullshit, but even moreso the giant used game market which they have basically annihilated when it comes to PC games, piracy is their scapegoat.
If they make it for PC they would try to make it as unfriendly to mods as possible. They can't have us PC gamers making our own updated rosters, belts, improved graphics for the character models, whatever we want to add to increase the replay value, which would ruin their plans to sell all that to us as DLC.
As far as PC goes, its already beyond next gen right now, and by 2014 we will be even further ahead, but likely still playing console ports that still don't make use of our hardware, after 8 years of that, I decided to build as futureproof a PC within my budget as possible and will likely play games long after devs have to resort to tricks like with the PS3 and X360, and will likely maintain parity with the PC, which I don't like and will never like parity, because its basically saying to me, all that money I spend on a high end gaming rig and upgrades is a waste as games will only use as much power as the consoles have. This doesn't work when PC hardware manufacturers want us to upgrade and we have little reason to.
If the PC version of this game requires a 360 gamepad, I've still got my wireless windows 360 controller, so I can play sitting in a recliner or on the couch if I really wanted to. I'm not against using the 360 gamepad, especially when I can play from anywhere in my room. I don't think a PC version will happen, but who knows, it would be nice to see how it would look on PC hardware.
As long as you consider the powerful hardware of PC up for consideration and likely attaching GTA V PC to DRM (Steam, Origin, online whatever, don't care , drm is always going to be drm to me and I never buy drm games) I will keep my purchase of your games under consideration as I am a PC exclusive gamer and do not appreciate being treated like a criminal with hard earned components that already outclass the Wii-U, Xbox 720 and PS4 combined in terms of raw cpu power, storage, memory, as well as visual and audio fidelity when its actually utilized.
I also second that there may be more CD Projekt RED style devs that might come about publish and create their own games especially if the CEOs and investors want to artificially increase the already insane game development cost because they want to be richer than they already are.
I'm in the process of building an extremely powerful gaming/work PC right now that will likely last through this next gen console generation, unless they decide to screw over PC gamers and make our already underutilized hardware even more of a waste of power in another extended generation.
I do like nice graphics and seeing what my hard earned PC parts are doing for me when running games. But its not just graphics I like, I like to see hardware being utilized and only a few games out of the many released have utilized the PC and its hardware effectively in the last 8 years.
What I mean by utilized, is all the multi-threading our PC CPUs are capable of, the RAM, which I'm going to be installing 32GB in my build, DirectX 11 (2011 technology, not used much at all for years, and still not much and then there's the current 11.1 which apparently, due to the extreme lack of use DX11 has seen in 2 years due to the consoles, will hold back DirectX 12 from coming) then the GPU itself, which I'm getting a decently priced 600 series from Nvidia and will use that with 3D Vision until I need a new card because I like 30 frames per second, and what I'm buying will surely play games at that for a good long while.
The GPU has a lot of power and it goes underused or not used at all because all they have been usually doing is playing console games in a PC environment with console limitations like not addressing more than 4 GB of ram and thats if they are Large Address Aware, they are 32-bit because thats all the consoles can handle due to their badly chosen hardware. PC sees marginal difference because of parity and I don't expect that from all the talented devs out there from various studios who I know can make PC games look and play like PC games and likely know all I'm saying and more.
I'm also buying a 7.1 sound card, but that is because I like discrete soundcards, as they do sound better and the card is primarily for my 7.1 headset that requires a decent sound card.
The PS4 is not perfect, but whatever you say, Ubisoft.
Evil_Rage's comments