ExiledHero's forum posts
Hmm for me it'd go in this order:
1. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Kingdom Hearts
3. Final Fantasy VII
4. Tetris
5. Paper Mario
Everyone has different ways of diverting their anger so one that works for one person may not work for another. I channel my anger in several ways. One way is writing poems that express the current state of emotion that I feel. Though this works greatly for me, it's not always around since I sometimes can't find paper and a pen to use. If that fails due to the access of the materials I need, I start playing several songs from my favorite band, but this one is a bit tricker. In order for that to work you need to make sure you only listen to the band when you're in a good mood outside of your anger state, or it you may think of a worse emotion when you're listening to it and make you feel worse. The last one I use most frequent. I close my eyes and picture myself laying on grassy field staring in the cloudy sky. Then slowly inhale through my nose then exhale through my mouth several times. This works like a charm for me. I hope one of these situations works, and if not you're going to have to find something yourself.
But sometimes, we all need to just snap no matter how much you divert it all bottles up.
I used to be quite shy myself. Enough that when asked a question or spoken to by a stranger, I'd look down and smile. Now everytime I must conquer my shyness I think of this quote:
"For all the sad words of tongue or pen
It's these 'It might have been!'"
You'd rather find it what will happen, then be wondering forever what might have happened. In your situation, try to get her to notice you and chat with her more often. Don't rush it, beause one she might get creeped out, and two you may realize you portrayed the wrong image of her before you truely met her. But in this occasion, I wish you luck.
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