1. Players can still stop you from leaving the dark zone by constantly shooting you once every 10 seconds.
2. Only one new wing, which means a whopping 5 skills to choose from instead of 4.
3. They are now rewarding rogues more than ever, which means there won't be a "good vs. evil" meta but instead an "evil vs. evil" meta just like Day Z.
I'm glad they fixed the issues with rogues phasing out to safe zones like a bunch of pansies and the whole invisible character thing, but these changes still seem like a "one step forward, two steps back" situation.
@GH05T-666: The pvp seemed very fun compared to other similar games, but it's difficult to tell how much that may change once you get to late-game material. My only real complaint is that the loot you find never seems to be of purple or orange rarity and the loot you get can't be sold for DZ money, which basically means that looting in general becomes pointless as the only way to get legendaries is to kill normal enemies or rogues for DZ money and then buy them.
Money isn't an excuse to pirate. If you have thousands to spend building your desktop, then you can easily afford $40. Hell, I have seen people who won't even buy a game at full price (even if that full price was $10) based on "principle" even though they spent $1400 on their machine.
Pirating a game to "test it out" isn't an excuse since we have youtube and twitch. Literally everything you need to know can be found their.
Also, how are people still peddling the belief of "well they weren't going to buy the game anyways" around like it's a legitimate excuse? If they downloaded it, then they obviously had an interest in it which means they probably would have bought it at some point if they couldn't get it for free.
I've heard of a few arguments where pirating MIGHT make sense, like if you wanted to watch an old show but the company that holds the rights refuses to release the show online or on blu-ray. At least in that instance you are being denied from watching the show and pirating would be the only choice. But every argument people seem to make here in favor of pirating games has been downright stupid. If you have the money, then buy the game. If you don't have the money, then wait for a sale. Is that so hard?
@Richardthe3rd: I already responded to your comments and made counter-arguments. As for your "personal attacks" comment, I assume you mean that resorting to personal attacks means that they lost? Because that means you lost.
I'm not sure you are thinking any of these arguments through anymore. What else you got?
@lostn: If they are so desperate for sony's money that they need it for SFV, then how can they afford to meke RE2 which is a AAA title built from the ground up? Doesn't sound like they actually need money at all to make SFV, just a case of sony stealing multiplats away and Capcom selling out.
@iammcgruber: I played the beta and let me tell you something...stick to Gigantic and Fable Legends. I have played those games as well and they are both far more unique in their mechanics.
The whole time I played Battleborn during the beta things just felt off. Controls weren't intuitive, the balance was horrible, and the story wasn't as good as I was hoping (it tries too hard to imitate BL's humor as well). Yes, those are all things that can theoretically be fixed before release, but something tells me much of it will be glossed over.
ExoticCharm's comments