The fact that he is saying this just days after Sony had to send out codes due to how often PSN was down is hilarious.
Also, the only thing that's affected is party chat. Everything else is working. Must be another slow news day if this and razzie awards are what a "gaming" site post about.
Sadly, Okami never made it big due to poor sales, a fact that happened largely because it came out about the same time as Zelda: Twilight Princess. Too many people pegged it as a Zelda ripoff and never gave it a shot.
I played both games and found Okami to be far superior in terms of story, atmosphere, combat, and exploration.
@ncrase25: It's not a question of whether or not people know how to turn it off, it's about whether or not they do. Literally everyone I know with steam just leaves it on for the hell of it even though they don't play games through steam all that often. And if that's true on a larger scale, then a healthier indicator for steam would be it's current users. When you think of how many millions of gaming PCs there are in the world, 12 million just really isn't all that much (let alone the number of people who are actually playing games on steam, which doesn't come remotely close to 12 million).
All I'm saying is that numbers like this give off false impressions more than anything else and shouldn't be made into a whole article. I really don't see why GS wastes their time with it (or movie-only articles for that matter).
"Today, January 3, more than 12.3 million people logged into the service at the same time."
In other words, anyone who has a desktop, laptop, or phone with steam and has it load up on startup (which most people do since it's the default setting) is considered a concurrent user even if they aren't actually using it? In that case, 12.3 million doesn't seem remotely large enough to brag about.
Have you ever looked at the current player count on the top 99 games and noticed how quickly the numbers drop off? Something tells me more than half of the users that steam brags about having are actually watching youtube or porn instead of using steam at all..
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