Thats pretty damn funny! They sound all butthurt about a nickname that they so rightfully earned in the first place lol
To this day, I've never been able to pilot a a chopper or jet correctly. Almost everytime I do so, one of two things occur: 1. As I'm taking off, teammates spawn in the chopper, and then 2 seconds later, nosedive into the ocean (or ground depending on map)2. If I got lucky, I'd use chopper or jet to just ram it against another jet or vehicle lol
@MjnE @krystyla and they all play CoD while yelling that someone fucked each others mother and racial slurs
I cant wait on November 15 when some guys make a video of them destroying a PS4 in front of the guys in line who preordered that shit AND on November 22 to see the very same thing happen to the Xbox One.
Its pretty funny how every article about Microsoft/Xbox One gathers over 1000+ comments. So much hate lol
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