FFdawg's forum posts
Hey. So I have like 10 bucks to spend. I'm getting pretty bored with the game drought. And even if there are games out im broke. Anyway. Should I get fl0w or Syphon Filter for the PSOne. I mean I loved Syphon Filter but am i gonna be like "Holy shitake this looks terrible" cuz of the graphics... or should I just buy fl0w. Looks pretty cool. Reminds me of a 3D version of Snake. Anyway... suggestions?
and the human processing power isnt based only on speculation.
"A human brain's probable processing power is around 100 teraflops, roughly 100 trillion calculations per second, according to Hans Morvec, principal research scientist at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. This is based on factoring the capability of the brain's 100 billion neurons, each with over 1,000 connections to other neurons, with each connection capable of performing about 200 calculations per second." as i clearly stated above, the fastest supercomputer on the planet can do 1 petaflops. in 5-10 years, a reasonable computer will be able to do this, while supercomputers will be blazing well past that. the human brain just cant keep up with something that is easily upgraded so quickly. once the robots are equipped with this sort of computing ability, combined with future AI, they will have the ability to learn. once they can learn, they can easily pick up more information than we could ever dream of having, and easily use all of it(while we on the other hand, can rarely use everything we have learned effectively because of memory and storage issues, all the calculating in the world wont help if you cant remember it all or comprehend it)then eventually they could use this information to make upgraded forms of themselves, no longer needing our help. this would effectively remove us from the loop, making us obsolete basically. You know deep down that none of that crazy sh!t will actually happen Roflcopter and no, the PS3 isnt smarter than me, I canhear music, play games and fart at the same time, something the PS3 cant something only the smartest of creatures do LMAO
As you have probably heard, Insomniac has 2 major updates planned. New team modes this month and new maps in May. This is regarding one of the two team-based game modes for this month's update, namely 'Assault'
"Each team begins the game with a set of base defenses and satellite nodes, which power those defenses. At the beginning of each round, a player can chose to spawn at their main base or any of their team's satellite nodes," - Peter Kao, Gameplay Programmer
Is it just me or does it sound EXACTLY like 'Breach'?
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