Sad to hear that. with what they are spending on the console, they could easily build a good pc that can run those games, and even games that can come out 2 years from now in a better quality than those.
@jimbo6923 and i to also game with friends on the couch, with the big screen there.
we pop some emulation, they bring the game, and controllers and its on.
and if you do know how to shop, you can build a rig with the same cash as one of those "next gen" consoles. and save even more in the run with the game sales.
@iskaroth with the savings from the games themselves (steam, origin, amazon digital and physical, fresh games, etc..) you can save and spend a whole lot less that what you would on a 6-7 year period of your console.
@somahound ah, but you forget 2-3-4K resolutions, plus emulation of current and new consoles (soon) plus that other things like free MP ($ony, M$ are pay to play online); plus mods that keep games fresh and interesting even after quite a while. and i can go pick a classic game and game online even after its been quite a while (example, doom classic, death matches are still up). and choose whatever controller (if i want) from any console to play with.
oh, and i am so sorry that your NEXT gen consoles try to imitate the PC architecture.
i guess you haven't heard of arma 3, red orchestra, star crasft, rome....etc......
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