Falcon4AF_Ace's forum posts
People this is solid proof that Digimon do exist. We must attack the Digital World before it's too late!LAZZOR
This looks like a job for a wookie!
Super Manly Clash of Steroid Using Mega Men Fighting for Ultimate Glory and Manliness!
Pretty catchy, huh?
Casuals, people who like shovelware, blind Nintendo fanboys who can't realise how terrible their system's graphics are, you know. The usual sheep crowd.
It's still a shooter console and lacks the variety the Wii and PS3 have. Check their AAA list. Shooter, shooter, and more shooting. See what happens when 360 doesn't have a great shooter to fall back on? It's getting beat by the PS2. :lol: M$ failed out the gates thinking they could match the power of the PS3 and Wii. Innovation will give your product the edge. 360 has no innovation.Akumasoul
Match the power of the Wii? The 360 is 30 times more powerful than the Wii. And it's a hell of a lot more innovative than the Wii. THe 360 was the first console to offer the true home media center experience. The Wii only innovates in gimmicks and shovelware.
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