My friend and I were looking for a game to play during the Christmas Holidays, and decided on Splinter Cell: Choas Theory. Mainly because of the Co-Op feature (via system link) and its 9.9 rating from Xbox magazine.
So we go to my house, hook our Xboxes together and begin playing. We play on normal mode and thought that 2 player mode and single player mode were the same thing, except of course on single player, you can only control one character at a time, but it would be something similiar to the war games such as Vietcong.  Boy, were we wrong. Their was only 5 levels and it was over, and thats if you count the first level which is a tuturial..
I mean the levels were long, unlike Shadow Ops, 2-player co-op campaign which was just a bunch of short levels not related to the story, which is what lead to me believe that we were enjoying the game the way it was meant to be played, but with a friend. Oh well..
Being that said, I don't really like to play Splinter Cell games along as I just can't get into it for some reason (not even the one I do own). So I can only comment on the Multiplayer part of this game.
It is the most interactive co-op game I have ever played. You will find team work to be a neccessity in every level in order to complete it and it just gets more dependent on team work through the 5 levels.   You can play co-op by split screen, system link, or Xbox live, with a communicator for the last 2 if you choose to do so. If this would be the first time your going through this co-op campaign, you may want to do it offline with a friend first to get to know the area, as things can be frustrating to explain with just words, such as the area you are currently in, or how you want to approach a particular situation (as in your about to enter a room of 6 guards and want to take as many out without sounding the alarm, failing the secondary objective, etc.) The challenge isn't so much in solving things once you figured everything out, but how you are going to infiltrate. Of course you can make this more challenging and fun (to a degree) by changing the difficulty level, but with only 5 levels (including the tuturial) it can get pretty old fast still :(
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