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Fallen_Riku Blog

Kingdom Hearts Beat

At first I put this game off, for a long time. Then I played like an hour and half and quit for a few weeks. It took me a long time to bring myself to play this game, for the simple fact it was Disney and I didn't too much like the idea of traveling with Goofy and Donald. When I finally did start playing it and got like halfway into it, the game started to get good. The battle system is some-what addicting and I found myself wondering more and more about Riku. This game is also great, because their are some Square-Soft characters from Final Fantasy in here. I recommend this game to any RPGer. If their was one Disney game that you would ever even consider playing, it should be this one. Especially after seeing the previews to Kingdom Hearts 2.

Psychic Force 2012 Complete

Awesome Fighting Game for Dreamcast where you can fly all around the arena. It was fun for its time and actually is still one of the only fighting games where you can fight all over the arena on a 2D plane.

Chrono Cross Beat

Comment: Chrono Trigger's sequel. This has a better battle system than Chrono Trigger, but not a better storyline.

I did everything you can and even beat Ozzy, Flea, and Slash. The thing is that each time you play through the game, your party members change depending on what you do. So I would have to beat teh game multiple times just to test out characters. I have seen both endings of the game. But because I have never played with all the party members I said I beat the game rather then Completed it.

Chrono Trigger Beat

Comment: Given the era in which it came from and the system. It is a fantastic rpg with many different endings and different ways of beating the game.

Halo Beat

Comments: Possibly the best first person shooter with multiplayer options, especially online play.