Thought about getting it. Would be nice to have a more traditional rpg to play on my PS3. How much is it anyway? I noticed it says playstation network on the picture so I'll take its a PSN exclusive?
Trinity Universe is a PlayStation 3 exclusive and not on PSN but it uses some PSN fuctionalities like Trophies and online Ranking ( everytime you beat a dungeon and its boss at the time you will be able to register your rank and see where are you between other people on the leaderborad ), i bought it for $39 canadian as my local EBgame store had a deal on it but its normlly $49, really worth it if you ask me
Guess that would explain why I've never seen it on the store. :P
I might decide to get it down the road, hopefully it'll drop in price along with Resonance of Fate so I pick them both up at a cheaper cost. Nevertheless you have me interested in getting it.
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