Spelunky, HELL FREAKING YES. The most fun game I've played all year and that includes many AAA titles. Spelunky and Journey prove that downloadable console titles can be just as awesome as any big budget game on PC or console.
Wait, I'm pretty sure MOST of Black Isle members are actually with Obsidian. Heck, Obsidian is pretty much THE Black Isle's spiritual successor. The rest are currently at InXile and Blizzard...
So, who the hell are these guys pretending to be Black Isle?
@Prats1993 Actually, it is much more than a make-over. First of all, the whole game now has a purpose and semi-narrative. The 5th chapter (with 4 levels) / hell is the final reward and it turns the original game into a uniquely different experience. I say this as someone who enjoyed 2008 version but never fell in love with it. The XBLA version though is a whole other beast. Also, the design for many enemies and patterns is changed.
Saying that it is just a make over proves that you have not played either. The only similarities are in the look and visuals.
Why people should either like DeathStork or Deadpool? Both are awesome and I'm more than happy to see this badass version in Injustice. AWESOME trailer.
The little glimpses of character select screen show 24 slots. Not bat. Hopefully they'll use them wisely (As in, bring as many different heroes / villains as possible and don't stuff the game with 10 Batman villains).
From this day forth, every video game announcement / panel shall be required to have Deadpool in some form or capacity. So sayeth the great chimichanga.
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