I really think GameSpot should make a weekly or monthly video series of "Now Playing" dedicated to this game. Having different editors and even guests (GiantBomb?) come and play MotorBike co-op during 30 to 45 min sessions is gonna be like heaven.
Why? Because this is the next-best thing we have to a current gen Big Rigs.
Right now, Xperia Z and PS4 are on their way for real success. If he and co can groom and support them just right, his earnings can rise a whole of a lot in less than 2 years.
According to Patrice's contract, they have to give him back the IP in case of cancellation. Ubi being the a**holes that they are, put the game on "indefinite hold" to avoid returning the man his baby. F*** Ubi.
"EA and Activision only companies not to respond."
Makes sense. According to various journalists including GiantBomb's Klepek, those 2 (EA and Acti) are the ones pressuring console makers into adding those anti-consumer laws about always-online and used games.
Fallout_red's comments