i havent really played it myself, but i did see it compared to the new Tony Hawk game on Reviews on the run i think it was on G4 and they picked it over the newest Tony Hawk game, so if you want a skateboarding game than i guess this would be the best choice especially if your looking for a change in skateboarding games as well
im getting UT3 in a couple days for christmas and it looks like a great game, all of those games look pretty amazing and i would like to eventually get all of them but im most excited for MGS4 and GTA4.
If you don't have any musical experience I wouldn't spend that much on a guitar. Get a cheapy one around 100 bucks and a cheap 30 dollar amp. That way if you don't end up practicing you wont have wasted 400 on a guitar that you don't play. Once you get better and feel that you really are dedicated to the instrument you can plop down 500 on a gibson sg or something.sa10kun
im not really sure about RPG's that havent allready been mentioned, but if u havent played Half Life 2 or any of the episodes the Orange Box is coming out on December 11th i believe, which has Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episodes 1 and 2, Team Fortress 2 which is a pretty sick online FPS, and it has Portal which is interesting game on its own.
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