I currently receive "Game Informer," but I was wondering if there are any other decent video game magazines within the U.S. It seems that the larger and better magazines are published and sold in other countries and to get it in America, the subscription would cost minimum $100. Are the prices and the subscriptions to magazines such as "Edge" and "Retro Gamer" worth it? Or is there an American-based gaming magazine that is just as massive and good?
Fantasy721's forum posts
The weird thing is, us gamers were talking about Video Games having their own category at the Grammys. I don't know about you, but I'll be watching the tribute to her tomorrow night.
Did you here about this?! Check the link out and tell me if your parents or guardians would have done this!
Go to YouTube and type in:
"Facebook Parenting: For the Troubled Teen."
Caution: Extreme language, behavior, and actions.
My parents would have settled for a different type of punishment!
Has anyone been experiencing problems with the PlayStation Website? I know there was maintenance done on the Network yesterday, but now I try to get to the site through Firefox, I keep getting redirected to another website. Am I the only one experiencing this? Please let me know if something else might be occurring with PSN again.
Think about the games you've purchased at the end of last year, all of this year, want to for the beginning of next year, and the ones you haven't bought yet. Is 2010-12 one of the best years gamers have seen in video games, or have the companies been just stacking these games for a simultaneously release?
Has anyone had any sort of trouble with their server crashing while logged into the PSN? You usually get something that reads DNS error (80710102). I've checked the connection and it's fine, so it has to be PSN, right?
It's been a great year for indie titles, but as for mainstream titles...ehh, there have been a whole lot of solid sequels, but not much originality all around. Good year? Definitely. Best year? Nah - I'd still say that something like 1998 was better, if only because it was full of amazing blockbuster games that mostly revolutionised their respective genres.Planeforger
Can you give some examples of the games you enjoyed from 1998?
Between October 2011 and February 2012, there are at least 5 new games that I'm looking forward to and cannot wait to purchase. Looking at earlier in the year, I have bought a lot of good games as well.
Has this year in gaming drained your wallet a bit more than you originally planned? I believe mine did.
At first, it was one of those things that you think about as a possibility. Then, a worker from Best Buy said he heard an possible confirmation. I think it was at the convention in New York.You got a source to go with those rumors?
I said at the very beginning of this year that I was convinced that Square Enix might turn Final Fantasy XIII into a trilogy. Now, I am hearing rumors that Square Enix is making Final Fantasy XIII into a trilogy. Did anyone else hear the same rumor or a similar one? Does Square Enix really have to do this?
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