@Eagllefirestorm I can't imagine what the PS4 pre-orders would be if they hadn't run out of stock. It has been that way for about a month now and with 2 months to go until launch, who knows how many they could have put into homes this year alone!
@dmastor Yeah, likely to be sold out anyway simply because many won't be able to find the PS4 in stock. I would do the same thing if I wanted a next gen system and didn't find a PS4 anywhere. Many of the cross-platform titles will still be relevant no matter what system you get.
@DamnILoveGames The only mentioned that developers could purchase the Rift for a little over $300. I'm sure the retail will be higher, at least initially.
@ThePope2k6 @FarginIcehole I can't remember where I read it, but it certainly doesn't sound right and I was just wondering if anyone else saw something similar. It was in a comparison of features for all 3 systems. The only reason I questioned it was because of how Microsoft handled the DVD playback on the original Xbox (it required the DVD remote and a dongle in the controller port to read the inputs from the remote).
Does anyone know if the Blu-ray drive will work without XBL? I read somewhere that you had to have XBL to access the blu-ray playback capabilities of the system, but that doesn't sound right.
THIS is the very reason the prospect of getting rid of the PS3 in preparation for the next generation is a bad idea. It never fails...the most imaginative games with extremely polished graphics always arrive on the system at the end of it's lifespan.
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