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#1 Faulttt
Member since 2005 • 549 Posts
console graphix king*
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#2 Faulttt
Member since 2005 • 549 Posts

TC, CliffB says you fail!

There were some complaints of players getting "stuck" to walls when trying to hide behind scenery. How will you refine that?

I felt like the Gears cover system worked like 85 percent of the time and we want to get as close to 100 percent as we can. We also offer an alternate control scheme, which is pretty similar to Uncharted, where we decouple the cover and the evade button so players can have those on separate buttons if they want.




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#3 Faulttt
Member since 2005 • 549 Posts

I sure have. Nintendo has realised that they can make tons of money off a console with motion controls, many family games, and last gen graphics. I highly doubt nintendo would make a powerful console next gen, seeing how much sucess in terms of sales the Wii is having. I just give up. This was the worst holiday season for the Wii. They havent realeased an AAA title for like six months, and that is pathetic! There are so many great games for the 360 and PS3 right now, I might not even be able to name all of them.

*NOTE* This topic is centered on the Wii, not the DS!


I agree with you. I don't know about the rest of you, but in my honest opinion, either 360 or PS3 should have been the ones winning the war so far instead of the Wii. Here's why.

OK, when the Wii first started out, debuting, it looked like such a good console to buy. There were lots of hype about it, & such. Lots of people wanted one & are buying them out in stores, (which was back in November of 2006). Now, fast forward to present, 25 months later. The Wii hype is dying down. People admitting that they regretted their purchase of it, people admitting that their Wii's are collecting huge amounts of dust, & people admitting that they haven't even touched their Wii systems in about a year or so. What happened here? What happened to all of the hype that it used to have? Poof, gone, diminished. It's now nothing more than a has been, nothing more than a flash in the pan. Plus it looks like that people are starting to wake up about it. I'm quite surprised at the 40 million or so gullible Wii owners, thinking that they're going to get hardcore games. Instead, they've been fed on junk, except for 1st party games. The point is, the Wii ain't nothing more than a over-hyped, hardcore, gimmicky piece of junk. I'm so happy that I chose to buy myself a used 60 GB PS3 over it back in April earlier when I made the decision.

And what a right one that I made. Look at the reasons at what we're getting for a measly $250 for the Wii.

1.) Expensive Virtual Console prices for such great ancient games; not to mention the fact that you can't even carry nor WiiWare games onto another Wii console, which means that should your precious Wii system gets lost or stolen, or if you even sell the thing, then you're SOL in that category.
2.) Casual, Gimmicky crap that gets real old after a while (Wii Fit, party games, etc.)
3.) Horrible Graphics.
4.) Terrible online (Come on, a "friends code" system?).
5.) No Audio CD or DVD playback.
6.) Most of the 3rd party game selection are PS2 ports, as well as remakes of games that we already played ages ago. The good number of games comes from their 1st party games.

Now, both the 360 & PS3 has a real selection of 3rd party games, better graphics, better online, can play CD's, DVD's, & Blu-Ray discs (PS3 only). Plus just like Nintendo, they both have an excellent selection of 1st & 2nd party games. Plus the prices of what you buy things from X-Box Live (including from X-Box Live Arcade) & PSN doesn't exactly cost too much.

It's got to be real hard for those people who are Wii fanboys, especially when they don't either have a 360 or a PS3 to go along with it, or refuse to purchase either one of them. They can go ahead & stick to their precious console all they want, but they're the ones that'll be missing out on a lot of great stuff that are out on the 360 & PS3, & then they'll regret it in the long run. how Nintendo managed to succeed with over 40 million owners is beyond me. It is both ridiculous, & ludicrous.

this :D
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#4 Faulttt
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"CNN has declared Sony's PS3 "a sinking ship" riffing off last Thursday's "plummeting" NPD sales results. CNN bases its gloomy diagnosis on Sony's sales plunge of 19 points, compared to sales in November 2007. That's a fair criticism, but it isolates a superficially negative statistic while ignoring the fact that this November only included two days of post-holiday sales (11/28 - 11/29) compared to last year's eight total (11/23 - 11/30). I'm speculating here, but if you could adjust for that difference, it's very likely PS3 sales would have increased, however slightly, year-over-year.

What's more, Sony rightly points out that the PS3 has seen hardware sales grow 60% year-to-date. I realize the PS3 wasn't selling well in 2007, so that figure's less impressive than it sounds, but growth is growth, any way you slice it. What's more, look at PS3 and Xbox 360 units sold in total worldwide, and Sony pretty much throughout 2008 has actually been playing catchup.

Then there's the PlayStation brand overall, which when you factor in the PSP and PS2, topped 1 million units, more than the Xbox 360's 836,000. The PlayStation brand has in fact pretty easily muscled past the Xbox brand practically every month since the PS3's launch. Sony's margins on the PSP and PS2 are almost certainly better than the PS3's, so which company's actually been more profitable in overall unit sales is less obvious than it seems.

On the other hand, CNN's whacking the nail on the head when it raises the problem of the PlayStation 3's price. The recession's been on well and long enough for Sony to have reacted by now, and yet it's stubbornly clung to that $400 entry point. Had it dropped the PS3's price to $300 or even $350 it's a safe bet October and November's numbers would've tallied much more favorably. Both Microsoft and Sony have a solid stable of exclusives, and both have interesting companion services, but it's price and not NXE/Netflix or PlayStation Home that's deciding the battle at the moment.

Quick points...

CNN's right that the video-game industry isn't recession proof. Nothing is. The rest of us saying as much merely mean "recession-proof-so-far," which it clearly is compared to other ebbing economic indices.

CNN says the differences between Blu-ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50". I suppose that'd be true if your eyes are somehow genetically fixed at 720 x 480 (NTSC). For the rest of us, Blu-ray at even 720p (1280 x 720) with all its other commensurate upticks in sample rates and color quality is shockingly better than the visuals output of the average DVD.

And finally, "the PS3 just doesn't have any must-have titles exclusive to the console." Really? I guess CNN's not familiar (or perhaps just not partial to) exclusives like Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank Future, Wipeout HD, Valkyria Chronicles, the original Resistance: Fall of Man (twice the game the sequel is, in my opinion), and MLB 08: The Show. When you're talking new unit sales, you count the whole history of notable exclusives, not just the last month or two of holiday attention-grabbers."


CNN Owned :D

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#5 Faulttt
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My xbox 360 murdured my gears of war disk
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#6 Faulttt
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Post in this thread please http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=26709170&tag=topics;title
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#7 Faulttt
Member since 2005 • 549 Posts

Appropriate Time to bump this.

Sticky please

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#8 Faulttt
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New Gears Map Pack Tonight!!! AT MIDNIGHT!! Combustion Map Pack(Just announced)

idk why they are telling now though O.o

Jack black had sex with ps3 & 360, and wii shot/killed jack lol

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#9 Faulttt
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any1 besides me notice lem desperation? Were not seeing the same footage/gameplay that gaffe seen, simple as that. lems trying to say it was downgraded, god damn im not talking about all lems, just the ones that are in this thread
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#10 Faulttt
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I think this is a good farewell for PS2, Leaving us with a AAAE :D