I never liked the shooting mechanics of Crysis, it just seemed too dull, your shots never hit ever if aiming directly at targets, and most of the time it can take more then an entire clip to kill a target. It's still a great game was just a minor annoyance that could easily be overlooked with using other methods of killing enemies.
Battlefield 2 and even Battlefield 2142 I played for many hours and hours on PC, also on knife only / sniper only servers and other clam skrim matches, it was the best fps fun i've had, more fun then cod4/mw2. Battlefield 2 also didn't need the best PC, If I remember I had 1gb ram, no video card, and 3ghz single core p4 processor and the game was still playable. Battlefield Bad Company 2 on the other hand, I now have 2gb ram, AMD 2.4ghz Dual core 4800 processor, 1gb ddr3 nvidia 9600GT card and the game runs barely on LOWEST settings. See the difference?
When the game came out in Australia the exe to run the game didn't work due to a mass DvD error, making it unplayable. Instead of bringing out a patch that forced you to download the fixed exe, you had to go to mythic website and look for ages and ages until you finally found the fixed exe download and then replaced the old exe with the fixed one.
Screen tearing / Audio issues don't bother me much personally if it isnt noticeable and is still playable then let it slide. If it is present in more then 50% of the game then i'd be concerned / angry.
Usually when I finish the game i'm playing from start to finish, I'll play it for a little while longer if it has side missions I skipped or additional parts after the ending, I don't purposely go for achievements tho. Maybe if Microsoft did a system where say you do a certain achievement you got some MS points for doing it. Example: 5 Gamerscore achievement could workout to be 25 MS points. But their too dam greedy to do that and some people hack achievements or glitch them.
Partners in Crime Achievement for Saints row 2 is pretty demanding, you have to finish the whole game from first mission to the last mission with a Co Op partner via System Link or Xbox live. It can take awhile say you lose your partner or they are not online often, so it can take days even weeks to get.
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