I know I didn't care to buy either one of them, which sucks because both are series' that I've really enjoyed in the past. I'm more interested in what's going on with games like Dark Souls II and The Witcher 3. I'm at a point now were I want open-world action... Almost exclusively. Neither GoW titles have this.
@surferosh A lot of these used games that developers and publishers supposedly "don't get any revenue from" have DLC available, too. So a single game could sell one copy, but still have the same DLC repurchased multiple times for said one copy.
I know I'm definitely shut off from it, if it's true. I barely have what's considered broadband, and it caves at least a few times each week, leaving me internet-less often. So, for me, should the nextbox actually require a constant connection, elseways it wont play my games, then I simply can't have one because I can't trust my internet. Also, I'm not down with the rumor about the nextbox having a built in Kinect. That alone is reason enough for me to stay away from it, but that's neither here nor there.
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