Where did you get that deal from?I stayed up to make sure i just got my copy of dead space, infinite undiscovery and condemned two all for the price of ONE GAME!! wohoo! that was just for now too :P
Feliz-89's forum posts
Gamertag: Brody337
Playing: Fallout 3, Fable 2, Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Soon: FIFA 09, Left 4 Dead
I heard that the single player was only really around 3 hours long (there are about 10 levels + prologue) so I'm debating between buying it or just renting for a week (I'm not to bothered about the online... time-trial ghosts aren't my thing especially when there will be some bright spark who tops the leaderboard with a time of 0:00 by gltching).Dr_Henry
I really liked the demo and am thinking about buying it. My only concern is how long the main story is going to be. Is it really only going to be about 3 hours long? If it is then I'm just going to rent it.
Before you guys got to the Crucible, are you already in possession of Master class weapons?g5velocity
You can get master weapons from the Westcliff weapons trader. The town where the Crucible is. I believe that is where I bought mine from.
I didn't play the first game, but I really like this one. It is crazy addicting. I'm about 16 hours in and I have only found the first hero.
Assassin's Creed(cool action adventure game with really good graphics) $30
Dead Rising(really fun zombie game that takes place in a mall) $20
Oblivion(rpg that will have you playing for a while) $30
I think COD 4 is still $60, but I may be wrong. And they are right about Dark Sector, it's a great game.
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