I play older game more new, and I believe the overall game quality has fallen recently, but that's not saying all new games are bad. There are quite a few nice gems, actually, MGS4, Uncharted, and Red Dead to name a few.
FernTheAlmighty's forum posts
Final Fantasy VIII was my first game and it got me into RPGs.
Metal Gear Solid 2 was the game that got me into other genres though.
Stereoscopic Buster Sword.
Oh and a remake of V and VI.
Dragon Quest would be mostly the same, just 3D.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Want to get:
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep/The Third Birthday
Best: VI/X
Seriously, I don't know. I loved the story and gameplay of both.
Worst: II
No Storyline. Horrible Gameplay. Warrior Clone. And Guy. Dear lord, not Guy.
I suppose Mateus was cool, but only after playing Dissidia. Before that, he was just another stereotypical villain no one cared about.
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