VIII is a nice game, but I think IX fits you better. VII is overrated as hell, but it's not that bad either.IX has the best story and gameplay, IMO, so get that.
My favorite one I own right now? Pokemon Platinum.My favorite all-time? Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations.I would love to try Persona or 358/2 Days sometime though.
MGSKid IcarusKingdom HeartsPokemon, since B/W's third version is just ASKING to be on the 3DS.And some others I forgot. If there will be new FF or DQ games, I might check them out.
I'll buy it for the same reasons I bought the DS - Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, etc.But the 3DS will have an MGS game and the new Kid Icarus looks really badass, so they make me want it even more.
I don't have any of my old consoles anymore, so, yeah. I do have a few PSOne Classics though.Playstation - Wild ARMs 2Playstation 2 - Shadow Hearts CovenantPlaystation 3 - Metal Gear Solid 4Nintendo DS - Pokemon SoulsilverPSP - Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker
Red Dead Redemption, but I haven't played many games this gen.Looking forward to InFamous and Arkham Asylum, though, the demos were pretty nice.
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