I know I've had a signature of Emilie Autmn since long before any of you ever heard of her, and gradually OT became aware of her due to my well-known signature.
But now it seems like it isn't special anymore, lately a lot of the posters have mentioned that they know her music, and I'm even beginning to see ads of her music.
And today I saw one at the website of foamy.
BTW, check this one, :lol:. The first time I saw it I played it four times in a row.
Feyre Blog
God Damnit.
by Feyre on Comments
My monday started off at 5 AM when I woke up, I wanted to check my mail but internet wasn't workin. Allright, so I fire up this old pc, chat on msn a bit, shower, get breakfast, the usual.
Now I wanted to go out shopping for some stuff but it was pouring. So I do some homework, and decide to get some R&R and watch LotR: RotK, turns out the television is broken. It is then that I realise I can't send my homework to my teachers, seeing as how I don't have floppies, and this pc doesn't have an usb thingy.
Day drags on by, dinner, I fall asleep at 7 PM.
I wake up on this fine tuesday, while it's still pouring. I decide to call helpdesk, I explain what's wrong (my IP has been changed for some reason), problem can't be fixed, I've gotta get pc over to the shop and have the entire harddrive erased, while I had just completed CoD 2 on veteran and Condemned: Criminal Origins with melee weapons only.
So I go back up some stuff on cd's, and I can't get the damned recorder working, apparentely I had lost the appropiate software, but I can't download it, seeing as how I don't have internet anymore.
Isn't that lovely?
So yeah, I'm pissed now, pissed at my pc, pissed at the internet, pissed at the weather and pissed at the tv.
Meh, it looks like it's clearing up, I've got a ****load of stuff to do but I'm gonna go get those things I wanted yesterday.
**** that ****.
Now I wanted to go out shopping for some stuff but it was pouring. So I do some homework, and decide to get some R&R and watch LotR: RotK, turns out the television is broken. It is then that I realise I can't send my homework to my teachers, seeing as how I don't have floppies, and this pc doesn't have an usb thingy.
Day drags on by, dinner, I fall asleep at 7 PM.
I wake up on this fine tuesday, while it's still pouring. I decide to call helpdesk, I explain what's wrong (my IP has been changed for some reason), problem can't be fixed, I've gotta get pc over to the shop and have the entire harddrive erased, while I had just completed CoD 2 on veteran and Condemned: Criminal Origins with melee weapons only.
So I go back up some stuff on cd's, and I can't get the damned recorder working, apparentely I had lost the appropiate software, but I can't download it, seeing as how I don't have internet anymore.
Isn't that lovely?
So yeah, I'm pissed now, pissed at my pc, pissed at the internet, pissed at the weather and pissed at the tv.
Meh, it looks like it's clearing up, I've got a ****load of stuff to do but I'm gonna go get those things I wanted yesterday.
**** that ****.
$ucks on a Plane
by Feyre on Comments
Why is "sucks" censored?
I've seen the movie (snakes on a plane), though not of my own free will mind you. I reckoned that it was going to be a crappy B-Movie, and since I wasn't even hyped up over the one line I really had no intention of watching it.
Throughout the movie there were a lot of "scares" and "jokes", none of which were scary or funny. And by the time the line came and everyone in the theatre cried it out loud I was bored to death. After I heard it I just left, and now I have no friends anymore.
The movie doesn't really have a plot, there are snakes on a plane and they're killing and they're getting killed, there's some suspense here and there but the lame jokes just ruin that.
That said, snakes in real life will not even attack humans unless injured or attacked themselves, and a lot of the snakes I saw weren't even venomous, which makes the movie even more stupid.
I think you can desribe the movie with one word: "Immature".
Over time the rating on IMDb will diminish. (Several days after the premiere and the rating has already gone down 0.4 points.)
Does the movie live up to the hype? Absolutely not.
If you're immature and want to hear "the line", will you enjoy yourself? Probably.
My rating? 5.0.
Flaming starts here.
I've seen the movie (snakes on a plane), though not of my own free will mind you. I reckoned that it was going to be a crappy B-Movie, and since I wasn't even hyped up over the one line I really had no intention of watching it.
Throughout the movie there were a lot of "scares" and "jokes", none of which were scary or funny. And by the time the line came and everyone in the theatre cried it out loud I was bored to death. After I heard it I just left, and now I have no friends anymore.
The movie doesn't really have a plot, there are snakes on a plane and they're killing and they're getting killed, there's some suspense here and there but the lame jokes just ruin that.
That said, snakes in real life will not even attack humans unless injured or attacked themselves, and a lot of the snakes I saw weren't even venomous, which makes the movie even more stupid.
I think you can desribe the movie with one word: "Immature".
Over time the rating on IMDb will diminish. (Several days after the premiere and the rating has already gone down 0.4 points.)
Does the movie live up to the hype? Absolutely not.
If you're immature and want to hear "the line", will you enjoy yourself? Probably.
My rating? 5.0.
Flaming starts here.
New review & some rant.
by Feyre on Comments
Check out my new review for Half Life 2: Episode 1 (Aftermath), here.
Our neighbours are gonna cut down the three in their backyard, the bastards. They say they want more sun in their town, but all they (and we) will be getting is a nice view of the ten story high flats, ugh, first they ruin their backyard by removing allmost all plants, all dirt and building a shed, and now they want to cut down the tree and build an even bigger shed.
We'd better move out as soon as find a new house.
I wish I could live in the forest :(. (With an internet connection:)).
Our neighbours are gonna cut down the three in their backyard, the bastards. They say they want more sun in their town, but all they (and we) will be getting is a nice view of the ten story high flats, ugh, first they ruin their backyard by removing allmost all plants, all dirt and building a shed, and now they want to cut down the tree and build an even bigger shed.
We'd better move out as soon as find a new house.
I wish I could live in the forest :(. (With an internet connection:)).
Now here's something we can all enjoy
by Feyre on Comments
The cast of HL2 in a hilarious videoclip (song has nothing to do with HL2).
The cast of HL2 in a hilarious videoclip (song has nothing to do with HL2).
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (demo)
by Feyre on Comments

Well, after hours of waiting, and hours of downloading I've finally got, Dark Messiah M&M's demo.
It features a dark story (always a pro) and multiplayer battles. The game looks very, very, good. The game looks simply amazing, but it comes at a cost. I experience some severe framerate drops and a 1280*1024 res with no AA and only binary filtering, but we can hope the game get's optimised a bit before final release.
The combat is devided into 4 different parts, melee, magic, ranged and stealth. Besides simply swinging a sword you can also kick enemies unto spikes, over ledges or set off traps.
The magic seems pretty cool and a lot more versatile than you might expect, but both the ranged combat seems a bit unrewarding, melee combat is especially cool with the daggers, as it seems like you're a lot better than you actually are, kinda like in the PoP games. And the adrenaline kills are pretty cool, though scarce.
I think this game can work out both ways, I hope that the combat gets a bit more fast paced, at least in the MP and that the story is indeed as good as it's premise.
Anyway, if you've got a reasonably powerfull pc, definitly check this demo out, but it won't be replacing Gothic 3 as my favorite upcoming game this year.
Study, interest/intelligence test.
by Feyre on Comments
Yeah, so I took one, last monday. And I got the results today.
It turned out that my dutch vocabulairy and spelling are, average, but I practically think in english nowadays, so it's not that bad. My understanding of languages was, above average. And everything else was way above average, my abstract and spatial insight, algebra, all that stuff was very high, and my speed and precision are extremely high (not surprising seeing as how I'm an FPS gamer :)).
I really already knew I am intelligent (call it arrogant, I call it realistic) but it's nice to have confirmation, (to a fool everyone but himself is a fool).
Basically what it means is that I can do any academic study I would desire to do. It may sound a bit cocky, but it's true none the less. That said I'm not gonna study to become a doctor, or rocket engineer >_>, this is where the interest test comes in, which narrowed things down a bit. I'm either going to study psychology, philosophy or law, and from the way it's looking now it's probably going to be psychology.
Ofcourse this neglects my creative side a bit but both the woman (who gave me the test) and me feel like I should express most of my creativity in my hobbies, my life (and hopefully also in a creative wife).
Well, that's enough self-indulgence for today.
It turned out that my dutch vocabulairy and spelling are, average, but I practically think in english nowadays, so it's not that bad. My understanding of languages was, above average. And everything else was way above average, my abstract and spatial insight, algebra, all that stuff was very high, and my speed and precision are extremely high (not surprising seeing as how I'm an FPS gamer :)).
I really already knew I am intelligent (call it arrogant, I call it realistic) but it's nice to have confirmation, (to a fool everyone but himself is a fool).
Basically what it means is that I can do any academic study I would desire to do. It may sound a bit cocky, but it's true none the less. That said I'm not gonna study to become a doctor, or rocket engineer >_>, this is where the interest test comes in, which narrowed things down a bit. I'm either going to study psychology, philosophy or law, and from the way it's looking now it's probably going to be psychology.
Ofcourse this neglects my creative side a bit but both the woman (who gave me the test) and me feel like I should express most of my creativity in my hobbies, my life (and hopefully also in a creative wife).
Well, that's enough self-indulgence for today.
Woe betide me!
by Feyre on Comments
I've hit level 20, I knew this day would come and I tried to prepare myself, emotionly, as well as I could, but it's still a shock.
I've also, finally, got a banner-pic, I wanted to make something myself but I'm just too lazy, and this one's pretty sexy. -,- I'll get around to it though, some day.
I'm also finally getting around to redecorating my room, and I get to use the room where my brother used to live as a study-room.
If only The_Vampress would come back from her vacation, I need her insight in decoration!
I've also, finally, got a banner-pic, I wanted to make something myself but I'm just too lazy, and this one's pretty sexy. -,- I'll get around to it though, some day.
I'm also finally getting around to redecorating my room, and I get to use the room where my brother used to live as a study-room.
If only The_Vampress would come back from her vacation, I need her insight in decoration!
Of two enstranged girls.
by Feyre on Comments
Emilie Autumn "Ophelia, pre-release screening album" is great, and she used to work with Courtney Love :|. But this album is going to be pretty heavy, and doesn't really fit under any genre, it's kinda like Opera + Gothic (industrial)+ Alternative rock. Emilie herself describes the genre as "Victoriandustrial".
If you're a fan of alternative music be sure to check this one out when the full album hits the stores. That girl has the best voice I've ever heard, and the lyrics are also great.
Though for some reason's it's put me in a sort of apathetic mood towards the rest of the world, or maybe that's because of the extensive watching of daria I've been doing.
Why do I love girls like her? Or drawn ones at that, hm. Is wanting to hug the tv screen healthy?
Oh yeah, and I'm back from my suspension btw, I wasn't on vacation, so don't ask me to post pics.
If you're a fan of alternative music be sure to check this one out when the full album hits the stores. That girl has the best voice I've ever heard, and the lyrics are also great.
Though for some reason's it's put me in a sort of apathetic mood towards the rest of the world, or maybe that's because of the extensive watching of daria I've been doing.
Why do I love girls like her? Or drawn ones at that, hm. Is wanting to hug the tv screen healthy?
Oh yeah, and I'm back from my suspension btw, I wasn't on vacation, so don't ask me to post pics.
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