[QUOTE="waynehead895"]I don't support MS. I just like the 360. Well worth the purchase. The proof is in the hours I spent playing games.Animal-Motherya no offense though what about the people who had to purchase multiple consoles IE ME Why have you had to purchase multiple consoles? Did you seriously outlast the 3 year warranty and not want to pay for the repair? What could possibly have caused you to have to buy a brand new one?
Fignewton50's forum posts
The Wii has had a significant lack of "core" titles as of late, so people who used to be inclined to defend it based on its great games have less rational reasons to defend it.
I like the console, and I like its potential, but lately, it may as well be a paperweight for as much as I have been using it.Â
Totally agree. There was so much to look forward to with the Wii this time last year. My Wii hasn't been touched since earlier this year when Mario Kart came out. It's not looking like the dust is going to get brushed off anytime soon either. Â
[QUOTE="Fignewton50"][QUOTE="mr_mozilla"]Doesn't matter, games won't be using it untill consoles have the same technology as well, PC market alone simply can't support a high budget titles targeted only to a minority of PC gamers. Even Dx10 is still just tacked on to most games, some don't have it at all and I'm not sure if any game takes full use of it.mr_mozilla
What about Crysis? Not that it was great because of DX10, but it was definitely targeted at a minority of PC gamers who could actually run the game. Â
I guess there are always few games that try to push the boundaries like Crysis and Project Offset. But Crysis was still build around DX9 with relatively low system requirements ..and even then I don't recall them being very happy with the sales, it's simply not good business to limit your customer base like that.ÂCrysis had low system requirements? No. It took months for sub-$300 graphics cards to be able to run Crysis on anything above Medium settings.  Even now Very High settings take a nice rig to produce.Â
I don't think the sales were that bad. I remember seeing an article on here about how quickly they reached a million sales. Not sure where they're at now. I can only imagine they've been steady since people are constantly upgrading their video cards. I still haven't bought the game yet because I'm waiting to get a new GPU to experience it.  Â
[QUOTE="Fignewton50"]Meh, decent looking pics, but I'm not getting hyped up after the DirectX 10 letdown. Seems like a bunch of Marketing B.S. to me. Lidve
"decent looking"
even if those screens are bs you cant just say they are decent - those look awesome and if they are indeed realtime 3d than its fantastic
For still pics, they do look decent. With enough time amatuer graphic designers could create something like that. The water looks cool and the texture on the stairs looks good, but the last two look like crap.
These pics are supposed to showcase the best that DX11 can really do, and I'm not that impressed. They are still images. Put them in motion, reduce the quality, and we'll get a rough idea what we'll see in games. What am I missing?
Doesn't matter, games won't be using it untill consoles have the same technology as well, PC market alone simply can't support a high budget titles targeted only to a minority of PC gamers. Even Dx10 is still just tacked on to most games, some don't have it at all and I'm not sure if any game takes full use of it.mr_mozilla
What about Crysis? Not that it was great because of DX10, but it was definitely targeted at a minority of PC gamers who could actually run the game. Â
I'm not totally convinced. I've got a PC/360/Wii combo and I'm perfectly content.
The PS3 doesn't have the exclusive games to make me want to buy it right now, especially since it is the most expensive console. The 360 has better shooters (GeOW, Halo) which doesn't give me any desire to try out Killzone 2 or Resistance 2. Take away those two and the PS3 exclusives aren't doing anything to make me tempted to drop the cash on it.
I'll pick up a PS3 eventually at the end of it's life (meaning the end of this generation, not 2016). Then I'll be able to try the PS3 exclusives for cheap. Until then, I'll keep waiting for a reason to want to pick it up. I've been hearing about the potential for too long now.
[QUOTE="onewiththegame"][QUOTE="EVOLV3"]:? If L4D scores AAA, then its another great Multiplat game, I dont see how it relates to the PS3s year in anyway since its multiplat. Are lems now trying to add multiplat games to their 2008 lineup?EVOLV3
its a AAA game that PS3 doesn't get, how does that not relate to the line ups of both systems
Its a multiplatform game that doesnt require a 360, so when comparing the 360 and PS3's exclusive lineup it doesnt serve as an advtange since its multiplatform. When did we ever use multiplat games when discussing exclusive lineups?
It's a game that you can play on the 360 and not the PS3. So it is a +1 for the 360 lineup over the PS3. It doesn't matter that it's on the PC when you're comparing the 360's lineup to the PS3s lineup. Â
[QUOTE="Fignewton50"][QUOTE="SolidTy"][QUOTE="Fignewton50"]If it's desperation, it's working. The PS3 is still in last place with no major gains on the sales lead of the 360. But no, I don't think it's desperate. It's smart marketing.SolidTy
I agree that M$ is just doing normal business, but I disagree with the Major Gains point. This generation, Sony was late to the party by a whole year, had High Prices, Less Games, and still managed to close that inital 11 Million Gap that M$ had by over half. That's pretty substantal, all things considered.
Isn't Sony still multiple millions of consoles behind the 360 (maybe even 3-4 million)? Even before the latest price drop that made it $200? I know they've had a couple months lately where they outsold the 360, but is that is going to put even a dent in the lead the 360 has?
It wasn't a couple months, it almost the entire year, starting with last Xmas. It was M$ that had a "couple" months where it outsold PS3...if you play sales, which I don't.
My point is, clearly there is a momentum to the PS3 that isn't being seen by some SW users, including yourself, if I were to judge your last post. To cut your competition's LEAD by about 75% WHILE being A LOT more expensive, having less games, and being 1 year late to the party is pretty significant, when one is talking about saying that the :
PS3 has "had not major gains on the sales lead of the 360".
But, to answer your question, yes, Sony is millions behind the 360's lead. It's just improving every month that goes by. The arguement in SW is really, "With the 360's newest Price Point, the PS3 will Never catch up."
That may be true, we don't know, I'm only catching you up and what we did know, except by you...This isn't 2006 anymore, ya know.
Agreed for the most part. But I think you're blowing the PS3's catchup to the 360 out of proportion. It had a surge when it was launched, as did the 360. But it hasn't sustained 175% more sales than the 360 over it's life thus far.
The way I see it is the 360 is still millions of consoles ahead, just became the cheapest console available, is swiping exclusive games from PS3 on a regular basis, and is launching their own solid lineup of exclusives this holiday season. I know the PS3 has been selling well despite all this, but I don't seem them catching up to the 360, much less passing it, at this rate. Especially with the state of the economy and the tightened budgets of consumers this holiday season.
Microsoft has been doing everything possible to solidify their lead on the PS3, and I don't think they'll give up the lead without a fight. This is all speculation, but it seems like Sony has too much against it to rely on brand name and upcoming games alone.
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