Do you know what System Shock 1&2 are? Dont answer - I have a feeling I know the answer...
i dont get it this game looks incredibly retarted like those other wanna be halo killers and doesent deserve the hype. it looks like another little FPS IMO
Final-Darkness' forum posts
because in a post someone said that 360 MMOs cost extra per month? is this true?darrowby88It costs extra on both!
Some learn faster then others...You have 35 posts. You've put up with this juvenile arguing for what...3 days? Whatta trooper.
Bye now....
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) is a sales or marketing strategy of disseminating negative (and vague) information on a competitor's product. The term originated to describe disinformation tactics in the computer hardware industry and has since been used more broadly. FUD is a manifestation of the appeal to fear.
This is only my personal theory though...
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