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FinalHorror Blog

RIP, you will always be in my memory!

Today something tragic happend. The famous Crocodile dundie (Steve Irwin) died in a shooting for the next documentart he were making in the sea. How can he have died:( He were so damn funny, this crazy man. I sometimes whatced his show and i loved it to:D But RIP. We will always remember you!

Does Piratebay belive in Aliens!?

Today i were getting membership on Piratebay and when i were selecting the gender i started to laugh, as usual i could shoose between Male and Female but this time there was 3. choise, and that were others:P :lol: I were like WooT. Do they belive in Aliens:P Woot do others mean. I promiss you it came like a shock to me. OTHERS :lol:

Okey to tell some other things, i are doing good at school again. I have started to play wow again and a friend started to boot on wow:S well okey all my other wow friends almost, but we are still 6 people who don't boot:D But funny how good it works:P haha...
I can be more on GS now since school is going good:)

EDIT: Yeah i found a way to get free PS, something that made me happy since i can't afford to buy it:( and it works great to:D


New Banner!

I got a new banner, and the only one i can thank for this is Toribor. He made me this great
looking banner and of course i couldn't turn that down. My request was posted in the
The Reconnaissance Union (come and join), and only after like 10 min Cloud2145 made me a
banner (located here), Cloud2145's banner was good to:) But nothing can match Toribor's banner.
So thanks to both of you and thanks to The Reconnaissance Union for giving the members this great

Thats it from me this time;) FH

Okey, i'm back!

Okey, to the few people that write in my blog. I'm now back:) I have had alot of funny things this summer, my testickels (i wrote that wrong:() got swollen:S But when we were in Italy We play against alot of good team's and it didn't go so good:P but we have a reasson for that. We had like 12 players and we need 11 players on the field. And since i was hurt i couldn't play:cry: But i played the last match:D Yey. and we won that to:D

The rest uf the summer were okey untill i got my PSP:D Yey, i got a psp. I don't know why i got it but i have one now so i'm happy. I have played Fifa 2006 and GTA LCS:D I love it.

Now i'm back, but the next days will be not so much online days:( i will be as much as i can, but i will se my friends again and i will have fun again:P


My long Absence

i will almost be gone for 2 months. Some days i might get a computer
for one hour, but i guess only 10 min will go for GS than, since i have
to much things i need on the internet, So here is the reason's i will
be gone for so long.
    On wedensday i will go to Italy with my
soccer team, this would have been a great trip for me if i had a foot i
could play some soccer with. But don't worry people, since i can't play
soccer i will probably try to get my hand's on a computer as fast as i
can! This time will be a time were i might be able to be some online
here and i will be able to answer PM's mainly since my time will be
limited. I be back from Italy 9.7.
    Almost the same day i will
have to go down to my grandmother someday's, i will be here some time,
but i will only sit and read a book probably, and since this is like in
no were, i will not get my hand's on a computer in this time either.
    And about 15.7, i will go to my dad's little holiday place
This is a nice small place were i can swim and run and have alot of
fun, but since i have a bad foot, i will have to just sit and read a
book. I will be here for three weeks i think he said, and since my dad
don't want a computer at this place it wount be so easy to come here at

I'm so sorry for this, but my life in the summer is not always so fun. But hey, i will live withouth a computer for 2 month's!

And i will maybe come in before i think, maybe we wount be so long at my dad's place. This ain't 100% sure yet. So if there is anything you need to ask me about, ask me fast.
Since i will be leaving in three days. And my last online time before i
leave will be almost presisly in 2 days. So i hope you all will stay
here and don't forget me everyone!

Well i se you all in 2 months..I will probably not post one singel post for some time now:P

Italy cup here i come!

Yey, that have been my feelings until yesterday. I went to the doctor since i had a so damn bad foot. I thought it had been bad for three weeks. But i were wrong, it had been bad for ALOT MORE than three weeks. And now i can't play soccer for 6 weeks and Italy cup is in one week:( It's so damn sad! I have been doing so much just so that i could go to Italy and play against their teams and now my foot is hurt. When the doctor told me i actually cried for like 1 min. I were so damn sad. I thought i were playing soccer in italy, but all i will do now is watch soccer and sit in bars with some strangers:( i think i want to kill my self...Man i haven't played soccer for 4 weeks now, but hey i woun't be playing the next 6 week's either.

This is a sad day in my life:(

School is Over

Yey, FINALY. There is no more school for me. I will have so damn much fun the days i have before i go to Italy. This is the happyest day i have had this year, but it's sad to. Since i will never meet some of the people in my class to:(


For some reason i don't get new eblems. I watched that soccer match they had here, but nah I didn't get that emblem. And i have upploaded a video but i don't get that emblem.
    GS make me so mad these days, but i still love GS for all the info they give:)

I hate this

Okey, now i get mad. 70% of the times i post in my unions GS stops and i have to write everything again. This gets on my nerves so i will for the rest of this day not post in GS at all. I will answer all PMs from my unions and i will try to be a good person. But i don't think everything will be so easy right now. I have alot of things to do. And the time i have on GS is now small. And when i than have to write the same things again and again i get kinda mad. So the rest of this day will got to check my PM/Blog and to play some CSS:)

My Oral Exam

Now i will have my Oral Exam, so the two next days i will just post one or two posts everyday (okey maybe more but).
    I want a high grade so i really work for this grade now. So if there is something PM me and i will probably answer you sometime during the day. This will only last for two days so i will not be so affected by this.
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