I hope that everyone is having a great Christmas or any other holiday you celebrate! I just want to let you all know that my christmas wish is that everyone will have a great time with your family and not complain on what gifts you got such as a clean pair of underwear or socks, because in the end it is all about the joy and happiness with your family. Not to mention that it is the thought that counts.
Anyway, I finally got a PSP slim and I am very happy with. Now can't wait to get Crisis Core:FF7, GoW:Chain of the Olympus, and KH: Birth by Sleep! I won't ignore all of my DS because I'll be buying a new DS Lite later on by next so I'll be getting games like Ninja Gaiden:DS, Advance Wars;DoR, and anticipating Fire Emblem DS :D
Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year
-FireEmblem_Man (with love)
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