People who are full of themselves, I can deal with. But I hate it when you loose by some 6 year old with a very, very high pitched voice killing you by some unnatural head shot or something and then insults you by throwing a lot of bad words and "your mother" in a sentence to "try" to sound older, and before you can say anything back, he leaves the room, and then, he spams you with messages saying" HA! YOUR A &*&&*% AND YOUR %^$£*& &^%$ AT THIS GAME! JUST GIVE UP AND DIE!"
I, personally, found the easiest way to shut these guys up, is to just mute them, and now, since you have no high voice in your ear that can permenantly damage your hearing, you can kick his ass and let him run into his mammy's room and cry his little brains out.
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