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Fire_Emblem_RD Blog

Fire Emblem Union

I searched for quite a while and couldnt find a union that really liked fire emblem

It was either some Manga Anime Club or a SSBB club with a brief mention of Ike.

So i was wondering, if someone for some reason really wants a fire emblem union like me, tell me, that way i'll make one and get it up and running

A Sony Kingdom of Hearts

Kingdom Kearts 358/2 is coming out on the DS soon but The PSP Kingdom Hearts and the 'present time only PS3 release' Kingdom Hearts 3 are the ones that actually look good, and I dont want to spend $1500 on a PSP and a PS3 just to get what are most like the only good games on each console,

Of course FF Crisis Core is good on PSP

I understand that there is a separate hand held release, but come on Square Enix, you put so much effort into these games and yet you release them on PS3 and PSP, you gotta ask. What is the company thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they had a `key' mind thinking which 'kingdom' console, that would make peoples 'hearts' pound with happiness, although that was Really Lame

You have to admit, a one console release, on the least popular console of the new Generation, isnt necessarily the best idea

Soo Wii, what happens next

I was thinking, in the past couple of months America has gotten, and Australia is waiting for, has waited for, or has just come out.


Battlion Wars 2

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (thats what is say on AU cover) i think its Goddess of Dawn in the US

Mario Galaxy

Mario Kart Wii

Resi Evil Umbrella Chronicles

Wii Fit

No More Heroes and many more

But it almost seems that we've shot EVERYTHING OUT AT ONCE

Making Everyone empty there wallets and Pocket money Jars getting it Finishing them and then waiting forever and a year for another good release.

What happens next!!!!!!!

Obviosly we're still waiting for a couple of things such as Rockband, Animal Crossing, and wondering if an adequate pokemon Wii Game will be announced. The main step seems to be Rinse and Repeat. I just have to wonder, are people like me who desperately look for the good, but abnormally rare games, going to lose interest, cause otherwise i'll go out and get eternal sonata and Fable 2 and adbandon my Wii for 6 months.

I mean Nintendo Rules but if the realeases had been staggered some more people wouldnt be asking that question. To tell the truth i'd never dbandon my Wii, but it could stray me that bit from Nintendo if there main Wii Goal, is not only to expand its audience, but in doing so, has happily sacrificed those gamers who have been there the whole way.

So theres this probelem

Although i love living in Sydney Australia, i continuously find myself in what i like to 'not many people in country so we onlly get half amount of games' syndrome. It sucks!!! We had to wait 2 years for Harvest Moon Magical Melody, and it wasnt even on Gamecube, it came out on Wii, In April!

We dont get Brawl till September

We always seem to get the hard end of the deal, getting games weeks to Months after the UK and we're both PAL users so why does it take so long to get out here.

We almost didnt even get Fire Emblem, i was lucky, i happened to go to new york on a holiday and went to Nintendo world, and stumbled across things like Tales of Phantasia and Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones.

So now i hear one of my favorite RPG's is getting a sequel Tales of Symphonia, its most likely it wont come out in Australia because 'people didnt show much interest' I got my copy, and i was lucky. I never saw the game anywhere ever again. So people didnt show much interest because only 20 people got the chance to get the RPG jewel

While the rest of the world is cutting open people, we are getting Trauma Center on Wii, we didnt get chibi robo, We didnt get Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations, instead we are going straight to Apollo Justice, which mind you hasnt come out yet. The List goes on and on, with more and more titles being added to the bunch, in australia one in every 20 people have a DS, one in every 10 have a PS2 and the Wii is outselling faster than you can spell Wii , so why the lack of effort to bring games to 'Down Under'

What comes next

In Pokemon

There was Crystal Diamond Pearl emerald Gold Silver Ruby and Sapphire, i wonder what will come next??

I have a friend who is a compulsive lier, he always says he's played a game before its even come out in Japan, and i mean yeah he uses roms for games, but if it isnt out in Japan, or its continent of origin you cant get them, so he said he'd played Pokemon Amythest, AS IF.

And so i decide never ever to trust him with video game info ever

Ridiculous, Outrageous! Perfect 10.0 get real.

So GTA IV hits the review board and comes back a perfect 10. If it gets a perfect 10 then you may as well knock up every 8.0 to 9.5 and 8.5 to a perfect 10 because Grand Theft Auto IV isnt a huge breakthrough in gaming, doesnt revolutionise a thing so why does it get such an amazing review.

I feel that many a bias towards an Xbox 360 game because its on that console or because its part of a series franchise, just like Halo 3, a game deserving of a 8 comes at a 9.5.

Its reviews like this that turn me off a good series that is so overrated that every other game that has a players choice should be elevated to that level, because what of it i played, it might be good, but at no point has it been or will it be Perfect.


I am writing many reviews, ]

so for the few people who may read this have a read and tell them if i'm a rubbish reviewer or not :)


New: no#1 Harvest Moon Magical Melody tips

Although i expect no one to read these I decided to write tips about any game i have sufficient knowledge.

Harvest Moon MM on Wii/Gamecube.

Nina: Likes Strawberries and the Blue Mist Flower, but enjoys any flower or veggie

Ann: Rare Ore and Amythyst, but enjoys all other ores and gemstones.

Ellen: Dairy Produce and flowers

Eve: i gave her jewels

Gina: Herbs

Dia: She seemed to enjoy grapes

Jamie: I heard she liked Jam

Maria: I gave her gems

Lyla: Cant remember

Katie: I gave her eggs

Gwen: She looked pretty happy with fruits.


Martha: She like Wool but she also loves breadfruit.

Alex: Toadstools, Herbs and Pontanta Roots.

Saibara: Good Clay

ROnald: Grapes

Ray and Joe: They like fish, Ray likes any, Joe enjoys better ones.

Kurt: Ores

Tim: Ores

Theodore: He likes anything, so i give him wooden stakes.

Thats all i know for likes

Like Rewards:

Martha: level 3 rucksacks

Theodore: The more hearts the more property.

Liz: Ship 10 limestone and she sells you fertilizer

Stay tuned

Why why why

I was talking to some friends and when i talked to them about the Tales games and a couple of them said


They said they played heeps of them on Xbox. Yell at me if i'm wrong but i didnt think there were any tales games on Xbox.

I hate it how just because a game isn't Halo 3 or GTA it sucks.

Especially for Nintendo, not that i'm being bias but everyone thinks that pokemon is a pikachu screaming and throwing yellow lines at people, and its the 2nd best selling Computer game series in the world, but because there's a lame TV show its rep is thrashed.

I cant wait for the next Tales cant help but feel that in Australia its only gonna sell 15 copies.

Nevertheless Symphonia 2 is gonna rock!