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Fire_Emblem_RD Blog

This Week in the life of me!!!!


Tomorrow are all class party's YAY for unhealthy food!

Then on Wednesday is the teacher student cricket game. Teachers VS seniors

This means we get to sit around all day and have fun!

on thursday i am going to a break up party. That'll be fun

and on friday

SCHOOLS OUT YAY YAY then no school till february

and i can be active!!!

Only 1 week left!!!!!!!

Only 1 week left until


I will be going to the beach every second day. Swimming and everything.

Its gonna be great.

And there isnt long until christmas either. Which means not long until i get my new mac

Whats every one else getting for christmas

Summer Arts

Well yesterday was summer arts. Its an exhibition where artists from my school display their work, there's music and dancing and stuff.

And so, i was performing along with a bunch of other friends. And then all my other friends rock up, and we realised it wasnt going to be a bore of a night, it was actually fun!!!! AKA i didnt fall asleep like normal!!!!


Yeah so it was fun.  

Mrs McIntosh you are the WORST english teacher EVER!!!!!


Yeah so earlier in the year my favorite teacher. Ms Weal Head English left the school.

At the time english was my favorite subject. Now after the school replaced her. We have this teacher, that expects us to read. Like for fun. Write Poetry and understand her voice even though she's as quiet as a mouse.She gives the Apple product a bad name.  PLUS  she is all nice. Then gives us a stack of homework. WHY be nice if you know we will hate you for giving us homework :(:(:(:(

 I mean. I used to be a real book worm. Now I only read books because my parents force me too. There are people in my grade who have reading problems and as a member of the top class i have to say, they should be the ones practising their reading skillz, not me!!! Its like the end of the year and she wants us, to make a list of every thing we've read this year. And she went crook at me because i had only read 17. I then had to get my parents to inform her they werent the stupid graphic novels others were reading.  GRRRR i used to love english. Now i HATE it! :(:(:(:(:( 

I got Guitar Hero World Tour

Hmm well. I bought it YAY

And its pretty good. No where near as hard as number 3 though, and on guitar there are so many 2 chords. Not many 3's just 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 GRRR its annoying.

Yeah so thats all i wanted to say.

OH and i pre ordered animal crossing city folk. It comes out in Aus in like a month so i'll grab it as soon as i comes out! 

Pool Party!!!!!!!!!!!

WOOOT well one of my best friends James had a B-Day pool party today and it was awesome. Probably because there was no one there i didnt like.

We made pool toy forts and threw water balloons and beach balls at each other. My side won! I mean we would win anyway, we just wanted the other team to feel like they had a chance *cough cough*

Anyway this went for 4 hours then we played Guitar Hero III wars.

And guess what

We won again!!!!

So i was really really cool!!!! 

Oowie!!! My ankle

Well last night at Karate i was sparring (if you dont know what that means, you attack each other, if you dont block, well you get hit!) and i was sparring a guy who was going for his black belt, AND hes way older than him.

So i go to kick him, he grabs my leg, sweeps me and i hit the floor. Strangely it was my ankle that got hurt, not my back.

And yeah so i am now an injured person. But i guess when i stood up, feinted and then got him in the ribs was karma for him (no good person picking on a purple belt)

I mean i go for my Brown Belt (one below black) soon. But i aint looking forward to sparring with my sensei at the grading.

Plus i also got a new banner 

SS's banner + SS

Hmm well SS wanted a banner and here it is.


Oh and btw he said he cant be on much cause he got banned till christmas, but he said hi to everyone FireEmblemSSbanner.png Eternal Sonata SS banner picture by Fire_Emblem_RD

Finally Gimp on my mac

I have had gimp for a while.

But it was at my dads. And i only got to use it 1 day every 30 days or so.

So now i can use it everyday and get better!!!

Its version 2.6

Yeah i just wanted to say that