I'm a female gamer on XBL and I'd say a lot of my friends listare females too. I personally don't play that often on Live though, I prefer a single player experience, so maybe that's just the case or you simply haven't crossed paths with many girls.
Firefly00's forum posts
I've just finished Dante's Inferno, it probably didn't live up to the hype, but it was good fun. Just about to start Darksiders.
I believe Afro Samurai was another one.
Probably about6/7 hours or so. When I was younger I'd play The Sims on the PC for ages, or on my PS2.
Definitely Pokemon on the GBA, probably Red or Gold. Also, Crash Bandicoot on the PSone, I loved that game as a child, and shamefully probably The Sims.
I agree, I very rarely play multiplayer games online. I've always prefered single player campaigns. However, I'm always connected to Gold. This is mainly because I like just feeling 'connected'. I like sigining in and seeing my friends online and be able to party chat. Also, having demos early and the sales that appear on the marketplace make it worth it.
I haven't played Oblivion, but I am playing through Dragon Age at the moment and I am personally really enjoying it. The story is so deep and so well put together that although sometimes the reading can be a chore, because you just want some action, you are still compelled to read because you want to find out more. I think it's a game where you truly have to dive into and pour over every little detail to really enjoy and appreciate it.
My friends were all heavliy into it when it was released and I just didn't see myself becoming so infatuated with it as they had done.I thought the world would feel too big and overwhelming for me to enjoy but I decided to give it a chance and I think it's a game where you have to experience for yourself. It's got some annoying little habits and such, but what game hasn't? For what it is, there's much beauty to behold and fun to be had.
I usually have a little stack of about 5 games with my 360 then I change between them. At the moment, there's Fifa 10, Bully, Dragon Age, Guitar Hero: World Tour and GTA: Episodes of Liberty City. I tend to look to different games for different experiences, if I'm in a casual mood then I'll pop in Fifa or GH, although lately I've just been glued to Dragon Age.
Not much at all. Probably about £50. I work at a games shop so I get a big discount :)
I don't think I have 10, but here are a few, in no particular order:
LoZ: Phantom Hourglass
Animal Crossing
Harvest Moon
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
New Super Mario Bros.
Cooking Mama 2
GTA: Chinatown Wars
That sounds like a great deal to me. You'll just need to get a memory card.
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