Firstinstimct's forum posts
I am sorry to say i never played ff3. My most earliest was 4, then 7, then 8, missed 9, played 10, 12, and bits of 13.You say you perfer turn-based games with extra awesomeness and use Final Fantasy 4 as an expample? Were we both playing the same game, or was it no. 3 you were meaning to type? Don't get me wrong, it is a good game, I'm just talking in tems of mechaincs, here.
As for my recommendations for your tastes, go and download Zenonia from the eShop. It's not the best paced game you can get, but in the short time I've been able to play it for, it really splits you down the middle in a good way (don't ask me what I mean, I'm not really sure either).
Yea it was pretty amazing, i wonder if the us and japan version had the same soundtrack, anime music is amazing in japaneseFinal Fantasy XIII has the best musical score I've heard all generation.
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