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FlameBandicoot Blog

Video Blog Ready! BUT....................... webcam saves the video in the format of "file". Not a vid format, such as AVI, WMV and stuff. Then, GameSpot won't accept it. Plus the video is TOO big for GS to upload, something about 900 MB O_O (No i dunno how it got that big) then.... just sayin that you can stop thinking about any FlameBandicoot VB. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

UNLESS you want me to send you via e-mail if want to view it....

GAAAH MY TAGGER EMBLEM IS GONE + My opinion about NFS ProStreet


Well ProStreet is almost finished, but not yet 100% cuz i'm stuck in the final challenge with the master super duper racer called "Ryo". God it's difficult to beat him in drift!!! I just can't get past of the FIRST drift with him O_O

But i think I can already estabilish my opinion about the game:

It's not that good... i tell you, maybe that's the worst in the series. :( It's not AWFUL but not as good as I expected it to be. Look: in my opinion, the MAIN feature in the series was the police chases, with all the action and exciting stuff. But it's gone in this NFS game. All the races are legal. And you can't free-roam, which was nice. The races are not bad at all. It have more variety in kinds of races.

That's what I think. :P

Level up + Friends

W00t! I didn't even got the idea of level 10, and...... whooooosh!! Level 11, Atomic Punk!! :lol:

Oh, and i see i have now 11 friends! YAY! A friend of mine entered GS yesterday: one more friend. Now the_unknown11 started tracking me, and of course, i tracked him back! So look, i'm now neighborly!!

Tagger Dabler!

Need I say more? :)

But i'm still mad with the fact that i didn't received the public acess emblem yet! >: I already posted not one, but TWO videos and the dammed emblem don't come!!! Wth! Ok i just need to keep waiting i think... :(

My first images

Yeah, some images, but nothing special. it's only the banners i did for everybody... i didn't blogged for a while cuz there's nothing new, then i decided to put some images. Don't forget to take a look at my videos too, if you still didn't! And... i dunno... oh oh i think i'm almost convincing my dad to put the laptop in my room for me to make video blogs!!! So keep an eye on my videos! MAYBE there's something cool coming soon! :D

Level up + School

Level 10, woohoo. "Pheonix Down"! I can now upload videos - the problem is, i don't have any gaming vid and can't record any, lol...

Next part of the blog is a sad one... I can no longer spend much time at GS for now - School... it's sad and good at the same time... i was missing school already and staying at the PC and the PS2 was starting to get boring... but i think i will only get some few hours 'ere at GS daily. Ah, it's ok!

New emblem and Banner!

That's it. The reader's choice one. :D

And a new banner!! Woohoo i finally made one. And the "Gamer" one is out. That was really lame. But now it's great! Tell me what you think about it please.