I agree the wild animal attacks aren't particularly realistic............................but then neither is taking on a couple islands worth of heavily armed criminals by yourself......and presumably surviving. To me; the dangerous animals are a BIG step forward in gameplay, compared to FC 2s total lack of them. It remains to be seen how this works out in actual gameplay.........but it looks good so far in the videos.
Looks like they picked out some of the better aspects of the first and second games. Lush, tropical island setting, flame mechanic from 2, ditched the goofy mutants from 1, and improved the lame FC2 wildllife with some real party animals! Bitchin'!
I'm using the tweaked XP high/very high settings now........looks great plays smooth on my rig. I can't really tell any quality difference in the H/VH screenies above either. Just got (and am settin up) a new dual boot (XP/Vista) rig may just run this bad boy in XP depending on my frame rate in Vista with identical GFX settings. It's commonly kicked about that the demo does not support multi core procs or SLI..........if true our results and opinons may change when the full game releases. PS: Tell Bill Gates I said thanks for the lame OS!
Add me to the list of people who'll wait until they've got DX 10 capable hardware to acquire Vista. Yeah, it looks nice...................so what. I also think MS has overpriced Vista, considering what you get (in any of the versions).
FlankerDFMax's comments