I think they've improved the weapons quite a bit, from the horrendously under powered **** foisted on us in FC2. I've outputted the sound to my home theater system.....they all sound great. The only exception being they made all the suppressors sound like movie/TV ****. you know, little ppphhhttt ppphhhttt ppphhhttt sounds. Way too quet. Oh well...............that's really a nit pick.
FlankerDFMax's forum posts
Funny you should mentions this....................I was working on a project in Afghanistan in early '07, some of the Provincial Reconstruction Team troops we were colocated with, siezed a giant bale of weed. Bleepin' thing had to weigh 800-1000 lbs. They brought it back to our compound, doused it with fuel oil, and set it on fire. DUH!!! Freshly harvested damp weed, packed together in a very tight giant bundle doesn't burn real fast. We had a pall of marijuana smoke so thick you could cut it with the edge of your hand; over our compound for about a week. Everyone had non stop contact buzzes on. Woulda been far funnier at the time, except we all had to handle automatic weapons and **** that could blow up if mishandled. Pretty funny looking back at it now!
:lol: Yea, the save game scheme sucks; be a lot nicer if we had multiple save ala Skyrim, Mass Effect, ect. The fast travel (at any time) option has saved my backside a couple times already.
In part; the second game half is a tip of the hat to the original CryTek developed Far Cry. That featured a militaristic bunch of heavily armed mercs, run by a cowboy hat wearing, foul mouthed, ill tempered commander (all of whom were working for a mad scientist/geneticist who'd developed a species of primate/humanoid genetic mutents [Trigens]). This all took place on scenic south sea islands, and featured ATVs, RIBs, and military 4WD vehicles you could jack, and drive in an unskilled and erractic manner (at least I did anyway).
FC3 basically combines the better elements of the first two games while ditching most of their crap features. BTW: Having read your post; I think you're onto something. FC3 would have been better if the first and second halves order was reversed.
I'm running the GFX maxed on my late model gaming notebook (1920 x 180); getting 60-80 FPS most of the time.
Intel i7 Sandybridge 3820QM @ 2.7-3.7GHz
Not real sure about the chipset
16GB DDR31600
2 Nvidia GTX 680Ms in SLI (4 GBs DDR5/ea)
latest drivers.....blah, blah, blah
Group of bad guys side swiped me on a cliff top curve; they spun hard and went through the guard rail backwards; and exploded in a fireball when they got to the "sudden stop" portion of their ride! As the old Quaker saying goes, "better thee than me!" :lol:
I've watched a few of the posted GS FC3 videos; most of which were from an Xbox at 780P, for the HD video. Can't say I was impressed at all; running them on full screen. I'm running the GFX maxed out on my late model gaming notebook and the game looks great. I'm getting 60 to 80 FPS most ofthe time, if I've got any complain'ts about the game, it's not the GFX or codng efficiency.
I pre ordered at Game Stop and didn't get any monkey business (though I've often been accused of it). The sales clerk even commented on it when I picked up my copy. :question:
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