+ So much Marvel Love ! All of your heroes, all of your locations, all of your bad guys and all of your sidekicks, plot twists and cool super hero moves. Tons of extra missions, artwork, cutscenes and lore. You even get an extra Trivia machine where
you can answer questions regarding the Marvel universe and earn Achievements by it. The content of this game is amazing. If you´re a Marvel fan you wont find another game filled with this much Marvel !
+ Great Hack N Slash gameplay. A great mix of Action RPG Diablo gameplay and some buttonmashing combo building. The action feels great all the way through. Takes the best from the Action RPG genre and builds on it. Sweet.
+ So many ways to play the game. With over 20 playable heroes there are over 20 ways to play this game and since you always work in a team of 4 you have even more options considering who to take with you. Chose those you like the best or try to make "real" groups of superheroes for special bonuses. Everyone will have their own Superheroteam and their own way of playing through the adventure.
+ Great understanding and love for the comics. Every superhero have just the abilites you would expect them to have in an Action RPG like this and every conversation is just as cheesy as it should, bringing fourth the personality of every character from Bruce Banner to Nick Fury to Weasel.
+ Fantasticly fun Co-Op. Play up to four players over live or just let your buddy plug in a secondary controller and press start. He jumps in to the game very smoothly and you now play together. You pick your favorite hero and see them cooperate nicely on screen. This game is straight out made for Co-Op and it is one of the best Co-Operative experiences you´ll find on this side of Gears of War.
+Superb, top-notch soundtrack. Dynamic and with lots of variation. Changes with the mood, the level and the difficulty of the game and always heightens the superhero feeling. Best soundtrack of the year so far.
+ Sweet bossfights. What would a mavel game be without all of the great villians. The huge bosses are the best. where you have to fight them God of War / Shadow of the colossus style with lots of cool moves and timely presses of different buttons to jump on them, climb on them and / or drag them down to the ground.
+ The Lenght. This is one LONG adventure spanning over several different marvel universes. Everyone will get their fix. Really impressive lenght!
- Graphics looks great from afar but up close and in cutscenes it dosent hold up and looks pretty ugly at times.
- The leveling system could be more fun. I would rather like a skill tree like in World of Warcraft or Diablo rather than the pretty dull and sometimes confusing system the game uses now. Also custome changing is plain out broken saying that you must be at a SHIELD point to change it even if you are on one. Might be user error tho.
- The game dosent really encourage you to try out different hero combos since you gain reputation with a team whe you use it. The reaputation will eventually level your team. If you switch a member in the team your rep will go down. I find myself just ignoring the rep since i want to try everyone out. I wanna try Spider-Woman, Spider-Man, Iceman and Human Torch as well as Ghost Rider, Mr. Fantastic, Deadpool and Wolverine.
- When youre playing the game Single-Player you´ll notice that the other 3 heroes dosent really do much to help. They never use their abilities to the max and as such, dosent do much damage at all. On top of that the enemies tend to go after your character and ignore your companions completely making the "team" feeling pretty non existant. This is of course solved by playing Co-Op wich you should!
- The levels can sometimes feel kind of repetative. Same levels but with different skins, kinda. Considering the lenght of the game i guess this comes with it.
Final Score: 8.6
Blade, Nick Cage, Ms Marvel, Black Widow, Thor, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Mr Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Thing, Human Torch, Elektra, Storm, Iceman, Colossus, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Iron Man, Captain America, Dr Doom, Shocker, Rhino, Arcade, Loki, Mephisto, Scorpion, Ymer, The Wreckingcrew, Galactus, Enchantress, Grey Gargoyle....The list would go on forever, and i mean it... The most expansive Marvel game ever and a solid Action RPG !
Tested On: Xbox 360, HDtv 720p
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