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Top 100, coming soon.

My first and only "Top 100 games ever" list since I started blogging is now in the planning stages. I sat down with pen, paper, old magazines and alot of caffeine this evening in my backyard and started thinking hard and scribbling down notes and games as they appeared in my head, taking notes of developers, lead producers and years from games I like. I plan to make this a long process with alot of planning, switching places on games and constantly adding to make this the best top 100 list Ive ever made. Depending on how much time I will have to sit down and write this might take everything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks to get going. A list including all the games I have ever played since I was born is a task that requires several layers of thinking. Just sitting there thinking of games dosent really cut it. You gotta think back on childhood memories to really remember all the games ever played. So thats what I have started to do. I currently have around 150 games on my piece of paper, this will probably increase to the double and the become reduced to 100. I have decided to ignore my scores of the games completely since they do not always reflect how good a game is on the large scale or how good it was when I first played it. Some scores are downright wrong but I havent got around to changing them. Theres also alot of games with the same scores so I have decided t just go on my gut feeling when numbering the games from 100-1. Its a hard task but I feel this is the right time to finally do it. So stay tuned for the top 100 list to start appearing with the last games on the list soonish. My goal when done with the top 100 is to try to replay as many of the games on there as possible. Because they all deserve it but I never get around to doing it.

Someone tried to break into my car

The weather over here is finally getting so warm that you can wash you car. So thats what I decided to do today amongst other sun-related activities. When Im almost finished I discover what you see on the pictures below. We had some really bad break in problems on the parkinglot at work this past winter with around 10 or so break ins during the night when we were inside working. Its a pretty remote and dark parking lot and an easy target for punks that wanted free epic loot. I got through the winter without any smashed windows on my car and up until now I thought I actually made it. But today I discovered that they have actually tried to get inside it but somehow they changed their minds. They started to bend up the metal above the window and somehow aborted their operation there. I bent it back some and snapped some photos today. I probably have to do something about it. Some heavy rain and water will start to get in there. Sigh... stay the f**k away from other peoples property!!

Fixed my dead 360 with a combo of 2 tricks.

I decided to give all the tips and tricks floating around on the web a chance on my old dead 360 even tho I have bought a new one already. I wrapped it in 2 towels and turned it on. I let it stand there until it was so warm it turned itself off. Then I applied another trick I found on YouTube where you are supposed to apply pressure to the back of the GPU and the motherboard. So I gave it a good long massage on its back and then turned it on. So far it works. Its up and running again like the RLOD never happened. So,um, yea... I currently have 2 fully funcional Xbox 360s. It will be internesting to see how long it will last.

New arrival 29/4 - 08, GTA4

When you preordered the game you could win 500 XB Live points and exclusive XBL gamerpictures and I won! so the case under the game is containing that.

Wii fit first impressions. The start of my new life

Alright, so I picked up Wii Fit today (retail price overe here is 990 SEK aka 168$) on my way to work and I just finished trying it out. I played it for 1 hour and my first impression is Wow, never before has working out been so much fun. I might come off sounding like a Nintendo employee here but man, this is really something I can see myself doing on an everyday basis and let me tell you, after 1 hour I REALLY need to go take a shower. I had to stop halfway and get some water and by now I am sweating bad. If you do what it tells you to do and not cheating it, Wii fit can completely save you a trip to the gym. I was thinking of going back to the gym (wich I only briefly visited 1 year ago or so) but I will switch it for 40min - 1 hour of Wii fit everyday instead. I really feel like Ive worked out, stretched my muscles and gotten to breathe real hard for a while.

The balance board itself is a impressive piece of machinery. it senses the slightest shift in balance or weight in your body when you stand on it so it really makes is a blast doing everything watching how your center of gravity shifts. Your personal trainer will give you advices based on how you are standing on the board. The personal trainer is a really kind and helpful avatar that makes it easy to learn the most advanced excesises He/she (your choice) also cheers on you as you are doing the excesises, making you go for that last push up although you really want to stop. On top of that all your Miis from your Mii channel are there to accompany you on the exccersises that include a crowd. In the jogging game for example i ran into my Cliffy B Mii running in the opposite direction and my Peter Molyneux Mii playing with his dog in the park where i was running.

Wii fit really is a high tech gym in your own room. You get to create your profile where you get to set a goal as to how much weight you want to lose in how much time, it gives you a recommendation based on your current BMi. I set my goal to lose 5kg in 2 months wich was what it recommended me to do. It will then keep track on what you are doing every day much like brain training. It will grade your performance in different aspects of your training and really become your personal guide to how you want to train.

I am very impressed with it so far and I will try to go at it once a day for 2 months and see if it actually makes a difference. The motivation here is much higher compared to going to a gym since you have this slick personal interface and statistics right there on your TV as you are training. I would not be surprised if Wii fit will start a revolution and have people working out like crazy at home, because I hate training but after today I actually felt it was really fun. Especially since you unlock new stuff the more you train. It constantly motivates you to come back for more to get new fun games to play. "Train real hard for 10 more minutes and get this cool game".

The only obstacle it have to overcome is that it makes you look like a complete fool, crawling around on your floor but in this day and age of karaoke, rock band, wii motion sensing games and looking like a complete fool being "hip" it really just boils down to you ignoring that and pressing on. Just make sure you vacuum your floor before you go at it. The situps were also kinda painful to do on a hard floor. Some kind of mat would probably be preferred there.

In this day and age of couch potatoes it really stuns me that Nintendo will get everyone working out between their gaming sessions. Just go into with with the right mindset (if youre set on this being silly and that it cannot compare to "real" workout you are a fool that will not appriciate its qualities, or very lazy). Its genious, as usual with Nintendo. I really feel how badly my body needs this and this is really the greatest sign of succes you can get from a thing like this. I will no doubt have aching muscles tomorrow. The only downside is that the board runs on FOUR AA batteries wich means I gotta go buy 4 more rechargable batteries to keep in there because if youre going to do it every day you will burn through those batteries really fast. The other slight downside for me is that I gotta refurniture the space in front of my TV, I gotta pull back my furniture way back to get enough room to do all this.

With this and the games that the Wii has by now, this is a console that should be in everybodys home, and accoring to sales it soon will be. And let me tell you right now, Wiith Wii fit Nintendo will take off even further from the rest.

Now, I gotta go take a shower. If theres any interest I might record myself doing some excerises tomorrow.

Now a Mythos beta tester

Just recieved the following mail from flagship studios. I finally get to play.

You have been selected to help test Mythos, an online action role-playing game from Flagship Studios! [OFFICIAL WEBSITE]

Step 1: Click the following link to create an account and download the game: XXXX

*This is a unique link that will only let you make one account.

That's it! There's just the one step."

Anyone that has not yet sent in their mailadress to have a chance at getting into the open beta do so NOW. And anyone that dosent know what Mythos is yet read everything you can from the above official website.

Mythos is a free to play game that wasnt even meant to be a full game from the beginning, yet it has me more excited than many other retail games hitting this year. I am truly stoked to finally get to play in the beta.

Its that time again, birthday

23 years.

I will probably not do alot of celebration today other than eating some cake, playing loads of Mario Kart Wii and going to work as usual tomorrow.

On a sidenote I just finished Metal Gear Solid 2, a worthy game to finish on your birthday.

New Arrival - 21/4 - 08 - Mario Kart Wii Bundle

I somehow decided to not preorder Mario Kart Wii so I didnt get it when it was released like over a week ago or so. But today I totally broke down and bought it. I was really going to town to buy some pan pizza, coke and other random stuff you need on an everyday basis and somehow I managed to walk by the box of Mario Kart Wii and here we go. Heres the bundle. Its funny. When we finally get something first over here I dont buy it until way after its released.

MK vs DC. My expectations

Mortal Kombat vs DC was just announced so lets summarize. Just by looking at the name or hearing the concept it sounds like a typical "oh no what are they doing to my Mortal Kombat" but after seeing the short trailer (wich Ive seen like 10 times now to analyze ever frame) and hearing the man himself, Ed Boon, talking about it Im completely stoked! I am pumped to the max and I cant wait. The fightingmechanics with grabs zooming in the view and stuff like fighting while falling and throwing people all over the place seems exacly as brutal as a next gen MK game should be. And after sinking some time into the idea, the inclusiuon of DC characters might actually turn out to be really cool. The more I play with the thought of Superman vs Scorpion the more I like it and I have complete faith in Ed Boon and his team. I have been a huge MK fan growing up and I can safely say that its the fighting series Ive sunk the most time into as well as anjoyed the most. Unlike everone else Ive actually played the latest MK Armageddon for the Wii to death and Ive enjoyed it alot. Me and my Scorpion can never go wrong.

Seeing as they will probably have to cut out alot of characters from each side to fit them all in, the characters that absolutely have to be in there from the MK side are: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kano, Sonya, Kitana, Stryker, Raiden, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Reptile, Jaxx, Sektor & Goro. Concering the DC side they should put in characters that counters the MK characters really well when it comes to fightingstyl3s and look just as Ed Boon says in the interview.

Whatever this game might turn out to be im super glad that MK makes it way to the next generation proper. There are few other games that awaken as much nostalgia in me as MK games does by now.

Oh, and check out the trailer here and the interview with Ed here. Great stuff.