In my opinion, absolutely, and here's why....
Casuals love new experiences, the Wii was a success not because of it's graphics or its titles, but the fact that it was a new gaming experience which catered to more than an hardcore gamer. The Oculus Rift does the same thing for casuals, look at any Oculus Rift youtube video and you will see people of all ages, male and female soaking this stuff up and loving it, and that's with a low resolution development kit. When the Rift is released it will receive a LOT of buzz, everyone will want to get their hands on one and the easiest option for most people would be to get a device that enables them to use the Rift without much knowledge and is user friendly (the appeal of consoles in the first place), hello Steam Box.
Not that the Oculus Rift caters only to casuals, hardcore gamers will love it to (I can't wait for Star Citizen), so there's definitely incentive for those who buy consoles to want a similar console experience in their living room, with the added bonus of being able to stick a VR headset on and go for complete immersion when you're playing games by yourself.
Come 4 years in the future the current generation of consoles will seem completely outdated, not just technology wise but experience also, and there's no way that the current generation of consoles will be able to match what the Oculus Rift experience will bring aside from Sony's own attempt but we have no real detail on that yet, but let's be honest, the PC has too many advantages and just a couple of years from now the increased power of the PC will make these consoles look obsolete in comparison, the mid ranged Steam Box matches console power now and is going to be around the same price so in a couple of years you'll have a far better machine for the same price mark.
Personally, I think this generation of consoles will be the last, the advancements in technology are far too great and soon enough this current technology will seem outdated. If you are familiar with Moore's Law, the co-founder of intel who once stated "The density of transistors on silicon will double approximately every 18 months", well now it's down to 8-12 months, this means that by the time hardware choices are finalised and dev kits are produced and sent out to the time when a console is released computing power has already doubled, sure developers are able to optimise and will continue to make the games look and perform better, but there's a certain point in which there's going to be diminishing returns 4-5 years from now the raw power of a PC alone will stomp anything a PS4 and Xbox One is capable of regardless of optimisation. Unless consoles in the future have the ability to be upgraded then it's almost a certainty that a PC/Console hybrid like the Steam Box will replace them.
That's my take on it anyway.
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