Well since alot of those games you name, has a demo, i highly recommend to go download the demos and try it out first... But I would recommend Uncharted.. it's not a very long game, but it's totally worth it.
That playtv will work awesome with remote play.... If you need to record a program, then just start you ps3 with you psp via WLAN/Wifi and start recording... and check back to see when it's done...
Never played one of his games and not a fan of him looks interesting but with all the alien shooters out i doubt it will sell well. Only the fans will probably buy it.00Raziel00
But you're forgetting something... Duke is not the mute type of guy we're used to in all other fps... and this game is not gonna be dead serious like all the other fps
The Shrinker from Duke Nukem 3D... There was quite nothing like shrinking your friend to the size of a bug, and then crushing him with you mighty boot!
Man I totally forgot the Oddworld games... Those two games were awesome, and I don't think I ever finshed them... I'd like to see them too... and Metal Gear Solid of course... oh and Final Fantasy VII since I never got around playing that game.
sadly Stage6 videos are not viewable with the new firmware.. unless you download them with a pc onto a flashdrive... but maybe if were lucky we will be able to view them directly from the webpage in the future
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