Trust the Gorton's Fisherman
by FlyingHellfish on Comments
As promised, here is a picture of my wife's quilt. It is roughly 42"x62"
She has hemmed a few pair of pants and replaced a button on a co-workers jacket, but the quilt was her first major project with the sewing machine. I'm told that the reason for the purple was because it doesn't make one patch stand out over any of the others because none of the other patches contain purple. I'm not sure if the patches are readable through this picture, but most of the patches were taken from some of my wife's old gymnastics t-shirts. My wife's grandmother owns a gymnastics studio and throughout high school and until a few years ago my wife coached gymnastics at the studio. The FBI shirt is the only one in the quilt that was mine. My wife got it for me in high school, while she was in Washington D.C. for the Close-Up program.
Spring training is well under way and man I can't wait for Opening Day against Toronto. Only 29 days away! So far nothing but good news has been coming out of camp. It seems that everyone likes new teammate, Gary Sheffield and that Sheff is glad to be there. Pitcher Mike Maroth is pitching well and without any pain in his elbow. Pitcher Joel Zumaya is hitting triple digits on the radar gun already and Justin Verlander's fastball has been clocked at 99. Pudge is showing some patience at the plate and has been batting well in the leadoff spot. Of course I shouldn't get too ahead of myself, April 2 is a month away and an actual game hasn't been played yet, but so far all the signs are there for another successful Tigers' summer.
We've been having a blast with the Wii. On Wednesday's my best friend comes over to watch Lost. He got here at 8:00 and we got so caught up in tennis and baseball on Wii Sports that we nearly missed the opening act of Lost. On Thursday's, for the past couple months, I have hosted a Texas Hold'em poker night. I usually have 5-7 people over and this past Thursday after the first of my buddies went all in and lost he got up and started playing some Wii. Once people at the poker table saw him playing some golf, they couldn't lose their chips fast enough to get a chance to play some Wii. It truly is a good cardio workout, especially the boxing game. Besides boxing a computer opponent or a friend, you can also do some training with a heavy bag, practice your jabs with a trainer wearing padded gloves, and test your dodging skills as a trainer relentlessly throws tennis balls at your face. Plus, while actually playing is great fun, watching other people fail their arms around and shout at the TV screen as their boxer crumples to the mat, is a riot.
If you haven't watched Wednesday's Lost yet, skip this paragraph. I loved Wednesday's episode. Questions weren't answered, no island mysteries were revealed, but that didn't matter as this was just a fun Hurley centered episode. I laughed out loud several times at the comedy that ensued while Hurley, Jin, Sawyer and Charlie worked on getting the VW van rolling again. One particular moment that had me rolling was when Jin, who has been working on his English, greeted Sawyer with a "Nice, see you." Sawyer replies with, "Well, looked who's hooked on phonics." Anyway, I loved this past episode and next week it looks like we'll find out some more about the one-eyed man who was last seen on a TV monitor in the Pearl hatch.
And finally, for those who have trudged through this blog and still are wondering what I have to say about the honesty of a bearded fisherman in a yellow rain suit, I offer this explanation: Sometimes I can't think of a good title.
All right that's it for now. Take it easy fellow TV.commers.
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