[QUOTE="MirkoS77"][QUOTE="Vaasman"]Except that it was literally established in your quote that he gave KZ2 a 9. He also gave KZ3 an 8.5, MGS4 a 10, vanquish got a 9, both the first and second Assassin's Creed he gave 9's, Crysis 2 he gave an 8.5, Warhead he gave a 9, Starcraft 2 he gave a 9.5, he gave Sims 3 a 9, and mafia 2 an 8.5.
He gave Nier a 5, blue dragon a 6, Star Trek online got a 5.5, FF14 he gave a well deserved 4.
Anyone stop to think that maybe he just plain didn't like the game and there was no agenda or bias? The complete nonsense that people are coming up with to justify this is both hilarious and sad.
The reviews for the game are extremely mixed, some loved it some hated it, and he simply fell into the camp that hated it.
I really don't see how Kevin's opinion is any less valid than any higher scoring reviewer's, just because it wasn't what you wanted to hear.
I don't like RE6. In fact, I find it to be very sub-par game taken even on its own merits, not to mention being a RE title (and before anyone jumps on me, NOT due to it's new direction, I'm talking overall quality). It is a dissapointment, even if it were a brand new IP. It's just not that good of a game overall.That being said, Kevin also gave ORC a 4.5. As much as I dislike RE6 and think it's a mar on the franchise, having played both titles I don't think it's even arguable that RE6 is a better done title than ORC is (which isn't saying much), yet they're scored the same. This is why some are upset and question Kevin's review, and I can completely understand. IMO, RE6 deserves a 6-6.5. I think it's pretty obvious that Kevin wished to spite Capcom for RE6 straying even furthur from its roots, or to demonstrate his frustration, but that's just me.
He didn't like the game, fine, that's his perogitive. But he should at least try to be consistent.
How can we compare games based on their review score? I mean, obviously, in SW that's bound to happen when the fboys are all like "(xbox360 game) < (PS3 Game) LAWLZ xbox = fail" but outside of that, how is it fair? Different reviewers have different opinions of course, but even if we're talking about the same person making a review, like a million different things come into account that WILL affect the game's score. Some of them intentional, some unintentional. Even though RE6 and ORC got the same score, I don't think Kevin would say the games were equal in quality, because they're not. Now that I think of it, something like this should probably get it's own thread. lol
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