FoodThing00's forum posts
Second, it IS bethesta. Not that it will automaticly suck becuase of that, but i;ve noticed how they seem to gear more towards making Fallout a graphics showcase, than an actual game. *cough, oblivion, cough*
As Smashbros a little above me said, there just isn't many good platformers, fighters, offline multiplayer, sports etc. However, you'll find a much better selection of RTS, RPG (Counting JRPG's into a seperate group) and MP geared games.
PC's doesn't have to be expensive at all to run the newest games (expensive being relative to a console), and you don't HAVE to constantly upgrade a computer to play the new games. Whereas a console can play all the games of say a gen without upgrading on ...well. On average medium graphical settings, whereas a computer goes from high to very low, unless you now decide to upgrade that is. Also, you don't have to upgrade the ENTIRE PC at one time. Pick and choose, and you still can be rather high on the performance/graphical scale.
Besides, looking away from the gaming side, the PC gots tons of extras, where the consoles will propably never will fully compare to. And, to sprinkle of what i hope is a little trademark exaggeration, considering the price difference between PC and console games, i think you even out as the gen draws to an end.
The best edge (IMO) the consoles have is that you don't need to spend any attention to any req's, worry about operative systems not being compadible. (F*** YOU VISTA!) and other such tech's. The simplicity of just being able to play the damn game is a big reason why many people get a console instead. I however, am a PC gamer trough and trough, thanks to quality titles back in the 90's. Sigh. Wish we would relive those glory days of gaming sometime soon :(
Gah. Sorry for not being very cohesive, but it's late. Nuts to you.
it was 20 bucks (shipping included), sealed and still in the black case for PS1. I was a sucker for the Yuna & Tidus relationship in FFX, and I heard that the relationship in FFVIII is even better. People say FFVIII is bad, while others praise it highly.
How is it really?
Ahh...Isn't this the sort of thing you should ask BEFORE you order the game?
[QUOTE="FoodThing00"]You're not the only one, trust me. I like GTA2, and Vice city, but GTA3 (whoopie-freagging-do, almost the same as GTA2, but since it's 3D a whole bunch of people hail it as some sort of god of the sandbox games) and SA never did it for me. 'Specially SA, with it's screwed up morals, hatefull characters (no, not because they're black. More like the gang,druggie,backstabbing cowardice things) and god awfull graphics.
Filling a plain world with menial tasks doesn't mean there's much to do. Even for completionists. Dear god, i finished DW5 with all characters on Chaos, and still didn't have the patience to drudge through SA.
Screwed up morals? Personally, I think GTA:SA is the only game in the series that probably has any morals. San Andreas actually has a very strong anti-drug message, it's pretty much what the whole game is about. You get to see how drugs tear the Grove Street Families apart, and how they lead to addiction, betrayal, violence, and death. However, I'm not saying that San Andreas is a morally good game. Let's face it, you still play as a gang member, and you kill rival gang members and can still create all kinds of mayhem with the police and innocent bystanders and whatnot, but this game focuses on a pretty positive message. CJ wisely says "no" to drugs, and he benefits from this decision. Some of his close friends make the wrong decision and they face the consequences of their actions. Oh, and by the way, considering the size of the game and everything going on in it, San Andreas actually looked quite good. Definitely not the best graphics on the PS2, but it was pushing more than probably any other game on the console and still looked nice. The game even had realistic cloud formations programmed, man! It deserves some respect for it's scope and ability to deliver and improve so much over Vice City.
I was not pointing to drugs when i wrote that (although, you are right in that regard) I more poked at how apparently bad the gamer was supposd to feel for CJ because someone killed his mother. Isn't that somehow lessened by how many people CJ kills? Cloud animatio-.......You serious? It's a freagging CLOUD. I'll also disagree with you over how it ''improves'' over VC. The side quests was more fun, better stunt possibilities, and quite frankly, i found it much more alive. They went way overboard with making SA as big as it was, as they didn't have a ounce of the needed ideas for content. VC, while smaller, just was MUCH better paced.
You're not the only one, trust me. I like GTA2, and Vice city, but GTA3 (whoopie-freagging-do, almost the same as GTA2, but since it's 3D a whole bunch of people hail it as some sort of god of the sandbox games) and SA never did it for me. 'Specially SA, with it's screwed up morals, hatefull characters (no, not because they're black. More like the gang,druggie,backstabbing cowardice things) and god awfull graphics.
Filling a plain world with menial tasks doesn't mean there's much to do. Even for completionists. Dear god, i finished DW5 with all characters on Chaos, and still didn't have the patience to drudge through SA.
Pretty tough.
I'd say it depends on whether your computer is good enough to handle (most of) the 360 games you could get for free, since they'll be superior. (well, I'D say so, considering mods and (yet again, if the computer can handle it) graphics.
Aside from that, Super smash bros, Metroid and Mario is pretty hard to beat, even if the Wii doesn't really have much else to offer (again, my opinion).
So much potential we have as a relativley new medium. We can grow and explore in many ways that other forms of entertainment have already conquered. Growing away from the childish pretext of being toys for chldren, videogames can offer us interactive art unatainable in other mediums. It seems there are some of us though that would want to hold the entire industry back, "games should be about killing aliens and racing cars!" they cry. "Leave any political or religious references that keep you thinking at the door." Games need to grow, we have hit a stale point. And I dont mean they need to grow graphically or in terms of presentation but in terms of offering meaningfull adult content. Sex, religion, politics... there is no issue a book or movie cant tackle, so there is nothing a game cant do either. It seems everytime a game is made that has refrence to real world events or commentary on the human condition there is this large backlash from us the community! "Stop that!" we yell. "We dont want to think or feel things while playing games! Let me collect trophys and shoot aliens!" You're probably wondering what im getting at with all of this, well this train of thought was driven by our recent Army Of Two review, in perhaps what is the most hideously biased and pretentious videogame review I have ever read the reviewer seems fit to base his game score and whole opinion on the game based on his disagreement with the games vision and opinion. The whole review has a context of fear, like we should be afraid with games that contain such things in them. Some sample exerpts: Army of Two is a decent third-person shooter that unfortunately sticks its boot in its mouth. It does so by belittling volunteer armed services and selling a power-but-no-responsibility mercenary fantasy, part of which takes place in the modern-day Iraq war. It mostly plays fine. The Aggro system works well (whereby your partner can hold your enemies' attention while you flank), and the online multiplayer is hectic fun. But the way it broaches and then mishandles such a controversial modern day issue is far from army strong Maybe thats the point though. The message isnt supposed to be go army, yay America! It seems to me the game is meant to set a much darker tone involving the use of PMCS in a political disaster area full of war. Its a touchy subject, and I certainly understand if you're offended by a game that dosent present America as the hero and the great everything... but not everyone feels the same way. That a game is tackling these things in the first place seems like a step in the right direction to me. Neither Rios nor Salem engages in any dishonorable behavior, aside from making fun of the Army for being so slow and ill-equipped. That would be fine if the Army they were making fun of were the Venusian Army. So its ok to make fun of foreigners...but not America? Or conversely, if Blackwater mercenaries in the real world hadn't been asked to leave Iraq for flipping out and massacring its civilians. But in Army of Two, there's no such thing as a civilian. If they aren't good guys, they're terrorists. Sounds like a legitimate complaint to me, but I cant think of other war like games that have civilians runnng around. GRAW dosent... R6V dosent..... Army of Two is a better than average shooter that roughly treads on a political landmine when it should have stormed some future battlefield So every game with guns should be set in the future and versus aliens? This statement makes my blood boil but I wont say anything inflammatory. But even its title mocks the Army, literally one-upping its slogan while glamorizing a sector that, if anything, deserves scrutiny--not macho fantasy. We NEED these kind of games, games that dare to do what others wont or this industry is doomed to failure. Well thats my 2 cents folks. I fully expect this topic to be deleted because the moderators dont want anything that can stir the pot around here. I am personal friends with more than one mod that I know will agree with me but probably not publicly. I tried my best to present this argument in an intelligent and uninflammatory manner. I wait now for big brother.GodModeEnabled
Well spoken, and i completely agree with you. Sadly, as long as there are more people than not who WANT Halo-...Uh..Alien shooter type games, i don't think we will see much of a change.
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