Foppe's forum posts
My mistake. Pretty good work there, Sony.
Emulation means that it´s a program that makes your PS3 to believe that it is a PS2, instead of using the real heart. This is harder to do, and in most cases you need to make a own program for each game, to prevent glitches. But you can run your PS1/2 games in HD with a emulator and/or make the games look better. I believe that the last number I heard was around 80-90% of all games supported.
The PS3´s with the Emotional chip will run both modes. If the game is not supported by emulation, it will run the Emotional chip. If it´s supported, you will be able to run it in HD if you want.
They also have a link to the GS E3 message board on the top right, where you will get your answers much faster than here.
Back in the days, we had to spend hours just to get somewhere in some games. You could´nt even go inside a dungeon in RG´s unless you powerleveled 10 levels outside each dungeon.
So it´s always nice to see a game that is hard the real way. Not the wrong way, where it´s hard because of badly written code. Like Zero´s two first missions in San Andreas.
Ninja Gaiden on Xbox was hard.
Ninja Gaiden Black on Xbox was easier.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma on PS3 is even easier.
But it´s still a hard game.
What is it with people, have they never played any Metal Gear earlier?
Hideo have never used any pre-rendered movies in any MG game.
He have always showed us trailers with ingame graphics.
He loves to play tricks with our minds, which is why some of the trailers can seem strange.
Why would he suddenly change any of this for MGS4?
It´s like Miyamoto would make a Manhunt 2-game starring Mario...
I still have tons of gigs left on my old Xbox.
I have lots of space left on my Xbox 360.
And surprise surprise, I still have plenty of room left on my PS3.
[QUOTE="Foppe_"]Yes, we are all tired of the big hype of "TRUE HD, but you have to pay extra to use it".
Except the fanboys, they all whine that you are cheap and glorify that Sony sells the PS3 for the cheap price.It´s like the storm when FF:CC was released on the Gamecube. It´s a game made for more players, but to do so you had to own GBA´s.
wow i forgot that i made this thread,and that i was the one whinning.
You did?
I could have swore that Cook66 did...
[QUOTE="coolasj19"][QUOTE="Foppe_"]HAZE, GTA, The Darkness, Battlefield, Pinball Fantasies, Pinball Dreams, Pinball Illusions, Worms, Battletoads, Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, Banjo-Kazooie,Blast Corps, GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Diddy Kong Racing,Jet Force Gemini, Star Fox Adventures, Cobra Triangle, Midtown Madness 3, Just Cause, Ground Controll, Europa Universalis, GTR2, GT Legends, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Hitman, Lemmings, Ignition, Defcom, Black & White, Fable, Destruction Derby, Driver, Stuntman, Wipeout Fusion, Timesplitters, Max Payne, Turrican...
Yes, Europe is useless in the gaming world...
you fogot eight days
And heavenly sword. This is the kind ofperso that validates the steryotype of the igonorant, arrogant and self important American. Thankfully, the vast majority of Americans i've spoken to in my life are far more enlightened.
Seriously man, what the hell is wrong with this guy?
I also forgot the Getaway and lots of other games.
...wait a minute...
I validates the stereotype of the ignorant, arrogant and selfimportant American?
Idefended Europe from Mr. "Europe is not needed in the gaming worldso we can cut it away" so it´s MY fault that people believes that Americans are idiots?
My God, I thought I´ve seen everything on these boards...
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