If you want a fun family console just to occassionally goof around with at a very low price then I say go for it. You can probably find used Wii's on ebay or Kijiji for well under 100$. Also its library of top games are currently dirt cheap as well.  As people pointed out though be sure to get an older version of the console so you can at least have backwards compatability with GC games, which are awesome in their own right as well.
ForzaAbruzzo's forum posts
Graphically, list your Genesis top 5:
1) Aladdin
2) Robocop vs. Terminator
3) Sonic vs. Knuckles
4) Sonic 3
5) Vectorman
I still got mine (in excellent condition no less) with the regular control plust the analog pad that was release for Nights: Into Dreams. Got a pretty good lirbary of games too:
Fighting VIpers (AWESOME fighting game!)
VF 2
Virtua Cop
Daytona USA
Sonic 3D Blast (Lame)
Resident Evil
Madden 97
Alien Trilogy
Was honestly a really fun consol that had some awesome games. Really such a damn shame that Bernie Stollar (And Sega of America in general) was so damned STUPID.
It was definitely a great business strategy and a revolutionary idea. Its just too bad that the actual hardware was so poorly developed.
Make sure you don't buy the redesigned Wii, since it can't play GameCube games. You'll be able to tell if it's redesigned if it is shown on its side instead of the stand.
This. Without the backwards compatability the Wii really isn't worth it as I don't find it boasts a big enough library of quality games (3rd party titles in particular). At least the Gamecube library can somewhat compensate for that. Do yourself a favor and try to find the original version that has backwards compatability.
Depends really. How many of those Wii owners also own other consoles that they might prefer to invest their money in (MW3, Skyrim, Battlefield 3, etc)? Does Skyward Sword really offer anything all that new or more interesting from TP, or previous Zelda titles for that matter?
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Anything over 100K is great, unless a game had a grossly huge budget. Jaysonguy
No, that's certainly not true, I don't even know how you could think that
If you would please elaborate on that and so I could see where you're coming from because cracking 100k isn't close to what is considered successful in today's marketplace
You think it's possible that the announcement of the Wii U and the fact that the Wii would be killed off next year might've hurt sales somewhat?
I don't think they should "retire" it, but they should definitely ease away from it a little while. Let the desire build up again.
My only problem with the wii was the third party. Just imagine having a Nintendo system with great third party titles like soul calibur, skyrim, gta along with the great first party titles that nintendo offers. Now that the wii is more powerful like the hd twins I may never have to buy all three consoles every gen from the big 3.
This is what used to burn me the most during the year and a half that I only owned a Wii. Seeing all my friends (PS3 and 360 owners) rant and rave about playing all the hottest new games, or seeing commercials for them 24/7 and not being able to join in on the fun got to be pretty frustrating and discouraging. Needless to say I became a really happy camper when I finally got my PS3 a year ago.
I think that the Wii was in ingenius BUSINESS idea by Nintendo in order for them to regain their prominence in the console gaming market. It was well hyped (prior to release), and well marketed upon release. Personally, I find the motion controls were indeed revolutionary for the gaming experience offered, but at the same time also heavily limited the potential of the consol as 3rd party developers for the most part weren't willing to invest the time and money into games due to the technology. The fact that it was technically inferior to the other two consoles didn't help matters much either. I also feel that Nintendo limited the Wii's capabilities by ommitting features such as HD and DVD playback in order to release it at a very competitive launch price.
In the end, I think the main objective of the Wii was for Nintendo to regain some ground, and in that respect it was incredibly succesful. As far as it offering a fulfilling gaming experience is concerned though, I think it's lack of quality 3rd party support really hurt it in the end. I own both a Wii and a PS3, and although there are a few games on my Wii that I absolutely adore (Silent Hill: SM, MEtroid Prime 3: Corruption, etc.), it really just doesn't hold much ground to a HD console that features DVD/Blu-Ray playback, and releases awesome 3rd party titles on a regular basis. Personally, having to wait months, or even up to a year for a highly anticipated Wii exclusive just isn't my opinion of a good time.
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