Fourarms10 Blog
Return of Ghostfreak
by Fourarms10 on Comments
This episode takes place after Goodbye And Good Riddance. Dr.Animo has an army of 5000 Mutated animals. Ben goes out of his house and sees the destruction in town. So Ben says "If I want to take out an army, I'll go Way Big". Ben turns the dial to Way Big, but turns into Ghosfreak. Ben:Ghostfreak I didn't pick you.
Luckily it was night so Ben wasn't killed. Ghostfreak/Ben fights Animo with ease, but the animals were still on the run. Ben: I can still beat them. The watch is about to time out. Ghostfreak: No I'm not going back in there again. Ben: What just happened. Ghostfreak: I'll tell you what happened, I'm free again which means I still need to merge with your body to make me whole again. Ghostfreak grabs Ben to merge with him, but the omnitrix feedback keeps him from doing so. Ben:That was so close, I thought I was a goner for sure.
At home Ben talks to his parents about Ghostfreak escaping the omnitrix for the second time. Carl:I guess I'll call your Grandpa to give you his sungun. Ben's dad calls Max, and he gets here in as little as 5 minutes. Max: I heard from your dad you said ghostfreak is lose. Ben:Yes, but what if Ghostfreak comes while I'm asleep. Max:I guess you might need this. Max takes out a pill. Max: A sleep pill that works for kids. Ben: where did you get them from. Max: I had a friend whose a pharmacist who made the pill, I was his first customer. Max:Goodnight Ben. Ben:Goodnight Grandpa. Max opens the door and leaves.
The next day at school JT and Cash ask Ben how it feels to go alien. Ben doesn't answer. Cash: Whats wrong Ben? Well it's just that there's this alien that's trying to take over my body to take control of my powers. Cash: Don't worry about that ,JT and I got your back...Well at school. At recces Animo's animals attack. Ben: Goin Way Big. Ben turns into Way Big. JT and Cash: That's a big alien. Never seen him before. Way Big easily crushes the animals. Later all but one was left. The watch timed out. Ben:Oh man, not yet. Animal: Hello Ben. Ben:Ghosfreak what are you doing here. Animal: Like what I said before. The animal runs to shade and Ghostfreak comes out. Ghostfreak: To merge with your body. Cash:is that what your afraid of? JT:I don't blame him that thing is Ugly. Gwen comes out and sees Ghostfreak. Gwen: Ghostfreak I thought you were dead. Ghostfreak: No I'm not, do you know why I added my DNA into the omnitrix again? I knew you were going to kill me in that shuttle so I added the DNA to try and take control of the omnitrix. Gwen does a fire spell. Gwen: Lets see If this will kill you now. Ghosfreak: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Daylight at night. Ghosfreak disappears in the shadows. Ben: It's all over for now. Time for evasive action at night.
At night Ben, Gwen, and Max look for Ghostfreak, Ben turns into heatblast to blast Ghostfreak if they find him. Ghostfreak: Hello Ben what's cookin'? Heatblast: this. Fire hits Ghostfreak. Ghostfreak: Ow why does that get me all the time. The watch times out. Ben: Not now! Ben is on the run now. Max throws the sun gun to Ben, but Ghostfreak uses telekinesis to destroy the weapon. Ben: this isn't my day. Gwen tries to cast a spell, but Ghostfreak uses Telekinesis to keep the spells from working. Ghostfreak grabs Ben and is about to merge with him, the feedback is too weak to protect Ben so Ghosfreak takes control of Ben. Max and Gwen: Noooooooooo. Ghostfreak/Ben: At last the omnitrix is in my hands mwahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa.
To Be Continued.
Learning How to swim
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My first person I became editor of Lung Ti. I only found him because I typed in the search TI. Then I found Lung Ti.
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