endless swearing as if we're supposed to be impressed by that these days, seriously, it was kind of novel hearing endless foul language in the first GTA on PS1 but now it just makes me cringe. Hope you can skip the cut scenes
This is excellent news, i loved the first Killzone but you could tell the PS2 was struggling to run it at times. My main memory of Killzone was the superb secondary fire modes on the weapons. the shotgun attachment on the Helghast rifle was a brutal weapon
@DamnILoveGames I'd be surprised if MGS5 is PS3 exclusive, The whole purpose of making a game is for profit and it will obviously sell well on 360, but i don't know anything about the game so far,
As for MGS4 i've no idea, maybe they kept it PS3 only to please Sony fanboys, but i have both consoles anyway so i dont care ;)
@DamnILoveGames what are you talking about? The games are called Metal Gear Solid Substance, and Metal Gear Solid Rising, The series stopped being Sony exclusive years ago. You also have Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on Gamecube, and Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D, on Nintendo 3DS. I own them both.
@kevinmyork No but when i buy a game i want to be able to play it at any point in the future from then on, Like i can with my huge retro games collection,
The fact is one day the Diablo 3 server will be switched off, then, like the other guy said you are left with a coaster.
Foxhound1982's comments