I am in the mood for a mech sim, but have already played everything under the sun. Are there perhaps any independent mech games, or mods for existing ones?
The game isn't all that hard to max out, and almost anyone can run it on medium. Sure the game looks nice, but in the end, I found the gameplay very shallow. I feel like I payed $50 for a tech demo.
Paying extra for a worthless program that all games won't support is just dumb. Besides, I am perfectly content with what I have. Ventrilo for voip and xfire. Also, where did you get those numbers? My router costs $39.99 and provides wireless for an upstairs computer and laptop. Also, since when are ethernet cables hard to use? PLUG them in and you;re good to go.
SO I was playing DOD:S and I walked into this church tower and found this scene. It was so perfect, almost as if it was staged. I promptly took a screenshot and cropped out the hud (before I learned usful source engine commands).
I know that almost all pc gamers say that pc gaming is miles better than console gaming. I used to beleive this but my god, how can pc gaming be better when it costs loads more than two consles put together.
Ahh got that out of my system. But seriously... does pc gaming have to be soo expensive, or can you buy a good gaming pc at around £200 to £400 tops.
Would you say that your an open person to those around you or do you like to keep to yourelf or not talk much about yourself?
I like to think that im open, I dont really try to hide anything from people and Im very open to people even if I dont really know them, seriously anyone on the street could probably ask me anything and Il tell the truth. What about you?
If I shared my views with others, I would be labeled the following by ignorant intolerants:
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