I guess Resident Evil was great from a video game/movie standpoint, but taken as a straight up horror flik, it kinda blew. And don't forget about Street Fighter to put on your F-List. Mortal Kombat was good though. In general, however, it's a bad idea to license games for movies and even worse to license movies for games.Well you never know if we have learnt from movies like SMB and DOOM movies derived from games usually suck.
However if u look at some other movies from games such as Resident Evil and Silent hill which were good movies IMO there is room to make a good movie.
I wounder What the budget would be for this movie though with a game so visually appealing like gears Replicating the Gears feeling will not be an easy task.
FragginWagon's forum posts
I consulted an online character guide just to get a better hang of how the levelling system works, but other than that, a guide will ultimately ruin your experience. Do whatever quests you want to, when you want to. You don't even have to do them all with the same character.
I spent countless hours finishing the nirnroot quest, which would essentially be the most tedious exercise you can imagine... if this wasn't the best damn RPG ever to hit a console. Oblivion is a rewarding game because of its open-ended, exploratory nature.
E-distribution is the wave of the future, ladies & gents. Sure, I would prefer a hard copy of the game, but right now I'm just glad my console has a game that's as good as the PC version and actually GETS the expansion. Developers usually rape RPGs porting the titles over to consoles (Baldur's Gate anyone?).
Overlord: Minions
And if you're gonna get an RTS game like C&C, it should be for PC not a console. I don't care well they do console controls for RTS games, IMO that genre really belongs strictly on the PC.
Im a decent sniper, but due to delay and alot of circumstances that affect accuracy, in a heated situation i hobble around and miss my target(i refuse to active down with sniper, i dont believe that will improve my skill), and i also have a hard time hitting running people (when im not host). Excuses aside, i just want to be a formidable sniper, and after playing tons of execution all snipes matches, i dont feel im catching on to the whole system as tight as i should.
Anyway, can anyone point me in the right direction with Tips, Videos, or even playing with me Via xlink, live, or xbox connect. Thanks.
From a distance it helps to aim as close to the target as possible (make sure you lead the shot at this point) BEFORE you zoom in. The reticle moves much faster that way and you don't have the tunnel vision for an extended time. Closer range, no-scoping is not a bad way to go because if you zoom, it doesn't take much for the target to outmaneuver you and blindside your a$$.
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