The DLC for all games is only priced to what the market will bear. If suckers are gonna pay these prices then companies will still charge those prices. Speak out with your wallets. If you keep 'em closed, then that will make more noise thatn petitions, emails, and generally angry words.
You think it's a scam but you probably own a cell phone with a 2 year contract + insurance and don't complain a bit. Microsoft hasn't done anything shady. Don't be one of those lazy a$$es who freaks out because they actually have to talk to a person to get something done.
I've actually found that I play worse on my 52" HD than I ever did on my 36" tube... Maybe it's because I don't have enough room to sit the prescribed distance from the screen or what, but I actually ave to pan my vision to see everything that's going on...
Yeah, and Bill Parcels is retiring from football for good. They say that to boost sales. If the game makes a bajillion dollars, you'll see another Halo. There's always room for a prequel.
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